
今年是会议日历的主要日历,这是美国细胞生物学协会的年度会议,由欧洲分子生物学组织Embo进行,在费城举行了联合会议。BMC生物学高级编辑Graham Bell参加了会议,在这里讨论了会议的一些亮点

ASCB主席Pietro de Camilli在开幕词:研究,外展,合作和专业发展中说,不仅本周在餐桌上,而且在所有伪造中的科学实践。

特别是,EMBO主管Maria Leptin登上舞台代表科学的国际性质的展示EMBO加入ASCB年度会议


Leptin noted that program chairs born in Europe and working in the USA, and vice versa, provided a fitting mirror to the openness and inclusivity of science, ‘despite these challenging times’.

Cornelia ‘Cori’ Bargmann, President of science at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and Torsten N. Wiesel Professor at the Rockefeller University.

The complementary nature of straight research and the melting pot of ideas and innovation needed for scientific progress were demonstrated nicely in the Keynote talk by Cori Bargmann.

经过20分钟后,概述了她的实验室的最新工作秀丽隐杆线作为研究行为神经调节剂的模型,Bargmann转向了她担任科学主席的角色Chan Zuckerberg倡议,,,,introducing their ambitions to cure, prevent or manage all disease within 80 years; by支持科学过程的所有方面


Wryly noting that unless expectations on improving lifespan are exceeded she might not be in a position to evaluate the long-term success of the claim, Bargmann outlined the steps the initiative is, and will be, taking in its pursuit of these goals.

人类细胞地图集 - 国际努力描述和定义健康和疾病的细胞基础,为全球研究人员托管数据。

一个关键主题是使科学完全访问,支持开放数据项目人类细胞地图集,预印式服务器(生物xiv)和协议共享(protocols.io)。Bargmann also introduced the first ‘collaborative challenge network’, bringing researchers from diverse fields to work on, and hopefully solve, key biology questions: the challenge of neurodegenerative disease.


詹妮弗·利平科特·史加尔茨(Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz)在一场视觉上令人惊叹的演讲中,还鼓励合作,邀请人们取得联系 - 或者在楼下与参展商摊位弹出 - 以获取她在空间组织上展示的令人眼花spirach乱的显微镜技术。堆积的细胞及其细胞器。

包装细胞和包装程序。众多的“前会议”特殊兴趣亚组需要通过费城的巨人会议中心进行步法,洛基·巴尔博亚(Rocky Balboa)将自豪地为观看兴趣的谈判而感到自豪。

Updating the Human Protein Atlas

One session presented the latest updates to theHuman Protein Atlas(HPA)一个雄心勃勃的项目,旨在在细胞,组织和病理学水平上绘制所有人类蛋白质,并now in collaboration with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

The project requires dependable tools – antibodies specific for particular proteins, but the reliability of antibodies – or lack thereof – isa major current issue for reproducibility in science

HPA主任这Uhlen强调the newest release (December 1英石)of the projectcontains extensive validation data,,,,in line with proposals from the newly-convened国际抗体验证工作组

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在整个道路上,在新兴模型会议上的观众接受了关于裸痣老鼠长寿,再生axolotls,吮吸寄生虫等的演讲 - 利用此类生物的独特生物学来回答基本生物学问题。

(去年进行的类似会议 - 随后发表了我们在14'上发表的论坛文章non-model model organisms’including axolotls, water bears, and bacterial spears)

The Breakthrough Prize trophy Designed by Olafur Eliasson in “the shape of a toroid, recalling natural forms found from black holes and galaxies to seashells and coils of DNA.”

The Oscars of science

Mention must also go to the “Oscars of science” – the突破奖奖- 现场直播硅谷会议;今年由摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)主持,并带着好莱坞球的浮华(颁奖典礼包括奥运会大凯蒂·莱德基(Katie Ledecky),米拉·库尼斯(Mila Kunis)和美国卡拉·麦卡洛(KáraMcCullough)小姐)。

该奖项认可了科学各个领域的杰出成就,由科里·巴格曼(Cori Bargmann)和部分由Zuckerberg和Chan资助2018年奖的获奖者被宣布为Joanne Chory,Kazutoshi Mori,Kim Nasmyth,Don Cleveland和Peter Walter。


Amongst the prize-winning talks from the conference itself, Scott Emr and Maya Schuldiner highlighted the importance of family, scientific and otherwise. Scrolling slides with pictures of all past lab members and collaborators – “it takes a village to make a scientific discovery” – resonated with the opening address on day one.

也许是一个井井有条的小镇,从学习中心(展览馆)的海报(展览馆)板上的景色来看,散布着商业摊位,豆袋和“剧院”。它们在整个大厅中回应了“微观”符号 - 以补充该计划中的主要和迷你山脉 - 除此之外,还需要2分钟的“电梯俯仰”,这是对活泼的科学交流的挑战。

“I’m a scientist- ask me about my research!”

With advocacy in full flow – attendees ventured out to nearby bars, wearing t-shirts emblazoned with “I’m a scientist- ask me about my research!” – alongside terrific talks, the conference provided a positive nearly-end to the year.

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