
野生物种中的眼睛颜色往往是固定的,而人类和驯养的动物显示出多种眼睛的颜色。Juan J. Negro博士,一位首席作者最近发表的假设Frontiers in Zoology,,,,takes us through why this might be.

你知道胡只眼睛颜色不同man populations and their domestic animals? Wild animal species, with few exceptions, have just one type of eye coloration, be it light or dark. By the way, when we say eye color, we refer to the iris encircling the pupil, which is always dark and expands and contracts rapidly depending on light conditions.


拉斐尔·鲁伊斯·芬特(Rafael Ruiz-Fuente)




在野生动物以及家畜的祖先中,眼睛的着色往往不会变化。报道的野生物种的眼睛颜色变化的病例(主要是在鸟类中)对应于与年龄成熟相关的变化和某些罕见的性二态性的情况(就像某些鸭子物种一样Aythia Ferina)。


Bird species in which the adults have bright yellow or red eyes may have a darker, brownish color, in the juvenile phase. This seems to imply that certain color types require some time for the individual to accumulate the necessary pigments that provide the definitive coloration of the adult eye. Melanins, by the way, are responsible for the color differences in the eye color of humans: dark eye colors contain eumelanin and pheomelanin, green eyes contain mainly pheomelanin, and blue eyes contain practically no melanin. Today it is possible to get blue eyes with a surgical procedure that removes melanins from the iris. And the acquired color is permanent because the melanin is never replaced.



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