
编辑Fungal Biology and Biotechnologyrecently attended the 14th以色列海法的欧洲真菌遗传学会议。我们邀请了年轻的科学家在会议上介绍了出色的海报,以向我们介绍他们的研究。在此博客中,我们听到了Jillian Romsdahl,Freek Appels和Sara Cea-Sánchez关于他们的工作的消息。

表征尼日尔曲霉与国际空间站隔离 - 吉利安·罗姆斯达尔(Jillian Romsdahl)


On each individual there exists diverse fungal communities that will, without question, accompany us as we travel to Mars and beyond. Through adaptation, these microorganisms possess the capacity to thrive in a wide variety of ecological niches.

Studies suggest that the spacecraft environment, which is characterized by microgravity and high-energy radiation, can alter an array of microbial physiological processes, including virulence and antimicrobial resistance. Additionally, fungi produce a myriad of bioactive secondary metabolites in response to environmental stressors, ranging from potential therapeutics to toxins.


Studying fungal isolates that have adapted to spacecraft environments, such as the International Space Station (ISS), may provide information important for maintaining astronauts’ health or eradicating problematic microorganisms during long-term manned missions. My Ph.D. research project involves using a combination of genomics, proteomics and metabolomics to characterize the molecular phenotype of尼日尔曲霉,一种与ISS分离的杂种真菌物种。


These findings provide insight into the adaptive evolutionary mechanism of melanized fungal species and enhance our understanding of host-microbe interactions in closed systems. Further, they demonstrate the need for more studies on the biological alterations of microbes adapted to extreme spaceflight environments.

The use of fungi in the development of sustainable bio-based materials – Freek Appels


My name is Freek Appels and I am a third year PhD-student in the lab of Han Wösten at Utrecht University. In my research I study how we can use fungi in order to convert to a more sustainable economy. This research is done together with artists, designers and scientists like me, as we can learn a great deal from each other, looking at the world through different glasses.

An innovative approach is the use of mycelium for the development of materials. Mycelium is an interwoven network of fungal filamentous cells called hyphae. Fungi form these mycelia grow on a wide variety of organic substrates; the beauty here is that these organic substrates can originate from low quality waste streams from the agricultural industry. By colonizing these waste streams, fungi turn it into high quality materials that can be used to produce numerous products, from isolation materials to panels with high acoustic absorbance.

Deletion ofSC3导致Y​​oung模量(意味着较低的弹性特性)和材料强度的增加。

我们研究了环境生长条件和疏水基因缺失的影响SC3关于蘑菇形成真菌的菌丝体的材料特性Schizophyllum commune。从黑暗变为光线以及从环境变为高CO2(7%) had an influence on the material properties; however, the exact mechanism behind these findings remains to be elaborated.

Deletion ofSC3导致Y​​oung模量(意味着较低的弹性特性)和材料强度的增加。我们使用红外光谱研究了真菌材料的化学成分,但没有发现大分子组成的差异,例如多糖。我们发现的是,材料的密度与我们测试的材料特性高度相关。材料的SEM图片可以很好地观察材料的密度。

Designers, artists, producers and end-users will explore the potential of the materials and will provide feedback how to improve the properties of the mycelium. This should result in tailor-made mycelia for innovative design solutions and new concepts of sustainable materials.

主调节蛋白天鹅绒-1在繁殖红面包模具期间协调光线和发育信号Neurospora Crassa- Sara Cea-Sánchez

Hyphae ofNeurospora Crassa

The filamentous fungusNeurospora Crassa通常在最近烧毁的植被中观察到,其生命周期具有性和无性阶段。诸如暴露于空气和光线之类的环境信号会促进空中菌丝和无性孢子(分生孢子)的发展,这些孢子很容易被气流分散,从而使新的壁nike的定殖并在火灾后恢复自然栖息地。

A circadian clock regulates several aspects of the biology of this fungus, including asexual reproduction.N. crassahas been extensively used as a model for photobiology as several developmental processes in this microorganism are under blue light control.

The velvet family of regulatory proteins is highly conserved among fungi. All the velvet proteins contain a fungal-specific velvet domain with a DNA binding domain, presumably for gene regulation. The曲霉尼杜兰人天鹅绒蛋白vea在协调次生代谢产物(通常是真菌毒素)的合成和生殖程序的调节中起关键作用,并且其在细胞中的定位受光调节。


Knowledge of the VeA protein inN. crassa(VE-1)是有限的。删除的压力VE-1空中菌丝生长有缺陷,但增加了conidiation。为了表征VE-1的潜在转录调节作用,我们对RNASEQ进行了分析N. crassa野生型和∆VE-1个突变体在黑暗中或暴露于光中。此外,我们分析了这两种菌株从营养生长到分生体的转录组。

We found significant differences in the gene expression profile between the two strains with a higher enrichment of deregulated genes in the wild type (2784 up and down regulated genes) compared to the mutant (1013 up and down regulated genes) during conidiation. Our results suggest an important role of VE-1 as a regulator during conidiation. We have identified interesting target genes in the data sets for further analysis and this will hopefully allow us to understand better the role of VE-1 in the regulation of the asexual development.

