
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is increasing in prevalence as rates of obesity and diabetes increase throughout the world. Using big data, this study looked at possible sex differences that could inform researchers and medical professionals about differences how the disease impacts men and women and the types of interventions that should be considered in light of these differences.


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD),涵盖了不受饮酒引起的广泛的肝脏病理,涉及肝脏的脂肪积累(脂肪变性),非酒精性脂肪肝炎纳什),cirrhosis,,,,and肝细胞癌。NAFLD is the most common liver disease, affecting 25% of the world population, and the prevalence continues to rise along with other closely associated conditions such as diabetes and obesity. Currently, there are no existing therapies directly targeting NAFLD.

The etiology of NAFLD is highly complex and poorly understood. Previous research has found lipid metabolism, inflammation, and a few other processes and genes to be important, but how these genes and processes interact and whether other pathways are involved are unclear.




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Using Mergeomics, we analyzed a large mouse dataset generated by our collaborator,杰克·卢西斯(Jake Lusis)博士和他的团队。该数据集称为杂交小鼠多样性面板(HMDP),包含了跨约100个小鼠菌株的数百万个遗传变异的遗传信息,来自每种性别数百只小鼠的数以千计基因的基因表达数据,仔细测量NAFLD特征。在一个最近的研究by our two groups, we examined the male mice data and found numerous genes and biological pathways in both liver and adipose tissues to be important for NAFLD, with the majority of them not being discovered before. Dr. Lusis’ group tested several newly predicted genes from our analysis and confirmed their critical role in NAFLD development, thereby highlighting the power of our big data integration approach to uncover novel biology.


在最近发表的一项研究中生物学of Sex Differences,我们将合并学应用于女性杂种小鼠多样性面板数据,并再次鉴定出了许多与NAFLD相关的基因和在肝脏和脂肪组织中相互作用的途径,其中许多都是新颖的。在比较男性和女性之间的结果时,我们发现NAFLD的共享和性别特定的生物学过程。共享功能包括:自适应免疫,分支链氨基酸代谢,线粒体功能和细胞周期。诸如维生素和辅助因子代谢和离子通道转运等过程是特定于女性的,而磷脂,溶物磷脂,磷脂酰肌醇代谢和胰岛素信号转导特异性。此外,脂肪和肝组织中的许多脂质和胰岛素相关途径以及炎症过程似乎与男性中的NAFLD相比表现出比女性更强的关联。这一发现与在男性中观察到的更严重的代谢功能障碍(由于NAFLD引起的)一致。

在一个ddition to biological processes, we also predicted key driver genes orchestrating the NAFLD pathways in a sex- and tissue-specific manner. Our research suggests that sex hormones do play a partial role in initiating dramatic sex differences in the pathology of NAFLD.

总而言之,这项研究代表了使用大数据科学来解决复杂但基本生物学问题的一个例子。还有更多的研究要做 - 例如检查性染色体的作用,并通过我们的研究发现的女性特异性调节基因来确认其在NAFLD中的作用。尽管如此,我们的发现阐明了驱动NAFLD中性别差异的生物学机制,并可以指导未来的翻译研究以对NAFLD开发新的疗法,以更高的精度和效率对男性和女性进行疗效。

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