Looking like the locals – gut microbiome changes post-release in the endangered Tasmanian devils


Saving the Tasmanian devils

当欧洲人在200年前首次到达范迪门曼(Van Diemen)的土地上时,他们的睡眠被神秘而无聊的黑白动物刺耳的刺耳的牙齿和红色的耳朵打断了 - 他们称其为“魔鬼”。塔斯马尼亚魔鬼的现代科学名称是Sarcophilius harrisii或“哈里斯的肉体”。魔鬼是世界上最大的食肉袋,仅在塔斯马尼亚岛岛发现。曾经在整个景观中常见,由于传染性克隆癌,魔鬼面部肿瘤疾病(DFTD),该物种现在受到威胁。自1996年塔斯马尼亚州东北部首次观察到该疾病以来一直在南方和向西扫过,使魔鬼种群衰落。在过去的20年中,该物种下降了80%。许多人认为,这种下降是由于魔鬼的遗传多样性极低的驱动,因为它们在过去20,000年中至少被遗传瓶颈造成了3次。

A young Tasmanian devil enjoying the shade inside a trap. Photographed by Rowena Chong.

In order to combat the disease threat, the Tasmanian and Australian governments partnered with the zoo industry in 2006 to start what was to become Australia’s largest insurance population. Early predictions estimated the species would be extinct from the disease within 25-30 years. Between 2005 and 2008 over 120 disease-free devils were brought into captivity. What started with four zoos and 28 devils has now grown into an insurance metapopulation encompassing over 700 disease free devils in 37 zoos and wildlife parks, an island (Maria Island), and a fenced peninsula (Forestier Peninsula). The aim of this insurance metapopulation is to maintain genetic diversity of the species, and their associated共生生物群,,,,until such time that the species can be returned to the wild.



Tasmanian devil being released after health check.
A thorough health check is carried out for each devil before being released. Poo samples are also collected opportunistically. Photographed by Dr Carolyn Hogg.


So, if their microbiome was changing as a result of captivity, what impact would this have on the devils once released to the wild? In our recently publishedarticle,我们检查了圈养的魔鬼是否可以在返回野外后重新出现“野生型”微生物组。为了回答这个问题,我们需要跟踪魔鬼肠道微生物组中的变化,之后它们被释放到野外。我和野外团队在发行版之前,之中和之后收集了从发行魔鬼的Scat(或Poo)样本,并将它们与每个发行地点的常驻魔鬼进行了比较。使用便便样品是研究肠道微生物组的绝佳方法,尤其是在魔鬼等濒危物种中,因为它是无创的,需要最少的动物处理。它们也非常适合研究魔鬼遗传学,寄生虫,饮食和肠道微生物组的其他部分,例如viruses。The tricky part however, is catching the particular animals you are after, and relying on them to produce a fresh poo sample when you need them to. Another major challenge with collecting poo samples in the field is finding ways to store them properly to minimize degradation. Lucky for us, the cold Tasmanian winter kept the samples relatively cool until we can store them in the freezer at the end of each field day. Back in the lab, I spent hours extracting bacterial DNA from each poo sample, making sure there are no cross contaminations between samples. After a few weeks at the sequencing center, a folder containing all the DNA codes was sent to me to decipher.

Tasmanian devil scat showing evidence that they consumed shoelaces.
The Tasmanian devils eat just about anything, including our shoelaces. Photographed by Dr Carolyn Hogg.

After comparing the microbiome of the released devils at different time points and with the resident wild devils, results were encouraging. The gut microbiome of the captive release devils underwent significant changes as early as 2 months after the release and began to look a lot like the microbiome of resident devils in the wild, regardless of where they originated from. This suggests to us that the microbiome disturbances previously observed in captivity are likely reversible and may not pose a threat as serious as previously thought. This is good news for the devils and perhaps other carnivorous species with similar lifestyle and diet that are also experiencing microbiome disturbances in captivity. Translocation is often used in wildlife conservation as a way to restore dwindling populations in the wild but success rates are usually low. Captive-born animals often differ from wild-born animals in their behavior and even microbiome, which can potentially affect their survival post-release. We hope this work will highlight the value of microbiome monitoring as a tool to assess wildlife health after translocation.

Picture of the northern end of Maria Island, one of the release sites.
Taken from the northern end of Maria Island- one of the release sites. Photographed by Rowena Chong.

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