

大多数未描述的生物多样性由无数属于数百万种物种的小生物组成。这使得很难在通常包含数千种生物(例如散装昆虫样品)的样品中找到新的和稀有的物种。一种解决方案是使用DNA序列使用高通量方法将样品分类为推定的物种(“reverse workflow”). Unfortunately, this normally requires expensive, centralized sequencing facilities, which are not available in some of Earth’s most biodiverse regions.


在Minion中,由USB提供动力的负担得起的手持式便携式音序器(约1000美元),即使在困难的环境((e.g. mouse lemurs in a reserve in马达加斯加,爬行动物厄瓜多尔雨林,,,,chironomid midges and ants fromSingapore,植物物种national park in Wales)。

我们是here应用奴才测序以获得DNA条形码扩增子的thousands of insect specimens最低成本在使用只有非常基本的实验室设备。To demonstrate our workflow, we sequenced DNA barcodes of >7,000 specimens of Phoridae (“scuttle flies”), a hyper-diverse family of Diptera that were all collected over 8 weeks by one Malaise trap in Kibale National Park (Uganda). We discovered >650 species. This exceeds the number of scuttle fly species currently described for the entire Afrotropical region. These results cause us to speculate that Africa could be home to >100,000 species of Phoridae alone. More than 90% would likely belong to one genus,Megaselia


Cost-effective species discovery with MinION at this scale is made possible by increasing the barcoding capacity of one flowcell from 500 to 3,500 specimens. This required three changes over our先前提出的协议。The first was the use of a simpler library preparation method (1D vs 1D2)。第二个大大改善了现有的生物信息学管道,该管道适应和纠正了众多sequencing errors小兵序列仪(10-15%)。第三个是对同一流循环的双重使用:在第一次使用期间评估扩增子覆盖范围,并且在第二次使用期间重新列出了弱扩增子。


我们的updated workflow allows for efficient species discovery within large samples, but it also nd highlights which species are closely related. We demonstrate these advantages with the description of a new species,梅加西亚脓毒症((Diptera: Phoridae). The barcoding data quickly highlightedM.脓毒症as a taxon of interest and we were able to efficiently document the molecular and morphological distinctness of the new species.


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