
梅德金斯(Médecins)的萨拉·维尼斯(Sarah Venis)告诉我们更多有关5月7日和8日今年无国界医生科学日的涵盖的信息。

在撰写本文时,西非埃博拉埃博拉病毒的流行终于似乎受到控制,随着响应的缩小,内部的能力更大Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)to begin to appraise the evidence collected, technological approaches trialed, and lessons learned. Much of the analysis is yet to come – the work that will be presented at the2015 MSF Scientific Day在5月7日和8日,是响应中一些最重要的不确定性领域的早期快照。

MSF科学日,现在已经12岁了Thyear, aims to connect audiences – across countries, organizations, specialties, and disciplines – to promote debate on the state of the evidence underpinning medical humanitarian operations.

任何可以访问互联网或智能手机的人都可以在线观看并通过MSF科学日websiteorTwitter使用#MSFSCI。海报也可以永久使用MSF科学日档案由F1000主持,今年我们正在运行海报比赛– please view and vote for your favorite.

今年,会议将在两天内(5月7日,8日)举行,并举办新德里以及伦敦。除了礼堂代表外,我们希望我们的虚拟受众(2014年,超过100个国家 /地区的2200人)将再次加入我们。印度新活动和会议的在线版本背后的意图是让MSF现场工作人员,合作伙伴组织以及其他相关的医疗和政策受众,以帮助指导现场运营,影响政策并增加对人口的利益进行了研究。

主题演讲者肯尼思·科基尔(Kenneth Cukier),数据编辑经济学家,将挑战MSF和类似组织,以接受新的数据实践或面临无关紧要的。

On5月7日Th,在伦敦,就新思维和方法和新技术而言,重点在于创新。主题演讲者肯尼思·科基尔(Kenneth Cukier),数据编辑经济学家,将挑战MSF和类似组织,以接受新的数据实践或面临无关紧要的。

Session topics include mapping, new approaches to providing chronic care in response to demographic shifts and middle-income refugee crises, and innovation in extreme situations such as environmentally challenging terrain and the demands of the West Africa Ebola response.

这discussions will bring together medical, operational, and technological audiences, to explore what innovation really means in a humanitarian organization and how best we can ensure that the right sorts of ideas are adopted to produce meaningful benefit for our patients. The panel question – ‘您有100万欧元:您将如何使用它来培养无国界医生的创新文化?’ - 完全有这个目标。

On5月8日,会议将在伦敦和新德里举行,展示“前线医学研究”。这research presented in New Delhi从巴基斯坦到缅甸,进行设置,covers TB, HIV, sexual violence, mental health tools, malnutrition, VL, and more, often focusing on neglected populations, diseases, and issues.

In London, Ebola, not surprisingly, is on the agenda on both days. On5月8日,小组讨论将重点介绍我们在下一次埃博拉疫情之前需要了解的内容,在他的主题演讲中,惠康信托基金会主任杰里米·法拉尔(Jeremy Farrar)将满足更快,更精益的研究模型的需求,以迅速应对公共健康威胁。,,,,and review missed opportunities from the perspective of Wellcome’s humanitarian medical agenda. The Ebola epidemic has featured in两者都是2014年和2015年无国界医生科学时代 - 我们希望它不会在2016年统治议程。

Malaria continues to exact an annual death toll higher than all recorded Ebola epidemics combined.


We are very happy that there is a session on reproductive health – a topic often neglected from research agendas, including within MSF – covering the intersection with infectious disease as well as adaptation of programs to care for survivors of sexual violence. An important presentation on improving treatment in multidrug-resistant TB offers an interim way forward while waiting for new TB drugs to deliver effective regimens. And pediatric populations, again often neglected, are the focus of much of the HIV presentations, alongside the views of adult patients on the roll-out of viral load monitoring.

这MSF科学日is the result of a large collaborative effort – not least from our sponsors who help promote and financially support the event – and we are very grateful for the help of all involved. Most importantly we hope that the research and the debates this week benefit the populations where MSF works. We hope that you can join this and help ensure it is a true conference without borders.

莎拉·维尼斯(Sarah Venis),,,,Research Coordinator – on behalf of the MSF Scientific Day conference organizing team.

