杰西·克劳斯(Jess Kraus)奖的获奖者强调了良好政策在防止枪支暴力方面的重要性

杰西·克劳斯(Jess Kraus)奖每年都会授予发表的最佳论文的作者Injury Epidemiology。今年的赢家对美国执法人员的攻击:征服:情境背景和杀伤力的预测因素- was selected for its novelty, simplicity, clarity and potential impact on population health. In this guest blog, Editor-in-Chief Dr Guohua Li, chats with the lead author of the study, Dr Cassandra K. Crifasi on the importance of the paper. This blog originally appeared on theSpringer Open Blog

Editor-in-Chief, Dr Guohua Li:Dr. Crifasi, congratulations on winning the Jess Kraus Award inInjury Epidemiology。Would you please briefly introduce yourself and your award-winning study?

获胜论文的作者:Cassandra K. Crifasi博士
获胜论文的作者:Cassandra K. Crifasi博士

Cassandra K. Crifasi博士:我是一个系的助理教授Health Policy and Management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Prior to joining the faculty in 2014, I earned an MPH in Environmental and Occupational Health from the Drexel Dornsife School of Public Health and my PhD in Health Policy and Management from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. My research interests include injury epidemiology and prevention, firearm policy, and the evaluation of policies that affect first responders and public safety. Much of the existing literature on assaults against law enforcement officers (LEOs) has focused on fatal assaults. But we know that for each fatality, there are many more assaults that result in injury but not death. The goal of this study was to examine differences in characteristics between fatal and nonfatal assaults to determine which characteristics increased the odds that an assault would be fatal.

EIC:Compared to other high-risk occupations such as flying, logging, and commercial fishing, how dangerous is law enforcement? What are the unique risks facing law enforcement officers?






EIC:What is the most striking finding from your study?

CKC:There is significant evidence in previous literature suggesting traffic stops are dangerous for LEOs, so we expected to see increased likelihood that an assault would result in a fatality when LEOs were conducting traffic stops. We also expected to see increased likelihood for assaults in situations where LEOs were responding to domestic disturbance calls, as those are regularly cited by law enforcement as dangerous situations. However, after controlling for other factors, those calls did not increase the odds of a fatality. At the same time, we were surprised to see such high odds for LEOs that were ambushed or experienced an unprovoked attack. At the time of the initial analysis, we had not yet witnessed the increasing ambush style attacks against LEOs. Looking at the results now, in the context of increases in these attacks, it makes sense that an ambush or unprovoked attack would result in higher likelihood of a fatality. When LEOs are caught off guard or have limited opportunity to defend themselves, they are more likely to be victims of homicide.

EIC:Any other important messages that may help save lives?

CKC:The topic of law enforcement and shootings has become incredibly politically charged. But ultimately, people want the same thing – less violence. This study, and others I have conducted, show that good policies can prevent gun violence directed at anyone, including law enforcement.

EIC:您的合着者Keshia Pollack博士和Daniel Webster博士是受伤和预防暴力领域的著名学者。在研究过程中,您从他们那里学到了什么?

CKC:Keshia Pollack博士和Daniel Webster博士都有一种独特的思考问题的方式,并带来了互补的专业知识。在过去的几年中,他们对我的工作产生了重大影响,增强了我的研究方法,并帮助我将工作转化为有意义的政策,以减少暴力行为。我发现自己很幸运能够让他们成为同事和导师。

EIC:If you are continuing this line of inquiry, could you tell us what kind of questions you are tackling?

CKC:There are still many questions to answer about assaults against LEOs. We have conducted an evaluation of how some crime and gun policies affect LEO safety, but there are still many other policies that could affect the working environment of law enforcement. Some additional work focuses more specifically on LEOs killed with firearms and looks at the effectiveness of body armor to protect against different types of firearms used.

EIC:Thank you for your time. I look forward to reading your next paper inInjury Epidemiology


