可持续资金的灵感 - 新环境中的危害减少

从2017年4月4日至6日,欧亚危害减少网络(EHRN)在立陶宛维尔纽斯举行了第一次在中欧和中亚和中亚举行的区域会议。会议称为“新环境中的损害减少”并汇集了政府和政府机构,非政府组织和普沃德社区的各种代表,以及专家,捐助者和国际组织的代表。在2上突出特色nd和3几天是欧洲对艾滋病毒和联合感染预防和减少伤害的联合行动((ha-react)and its focus on integrated care and financing harm reduction services. Here HA-REACT steering committee member Jeffrey Lazarus shares thoughts from the conference.

减少伤害programs in central and eastern Europe and central Asia have been in a period of transition. On the one hand, support from the largest funder in the region – the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria – has dried up, forcing governments and NGOs to scramble for alternative funding and cut services when the need to scale up is as great as ever.

另一方面,几个国家一直在基于对人权和自由的尊重的政策转移到政策 - 这一可喜的发展需要建立新的危害计划,卫生系统,卫生系统和执法机构之间的新伙伴关系,以解决该问题。毒品依赖问题。


The entire first day of the conference in Vilnius was devoted to funding challenges and strategies. Despite the gradual growth of national economies after the financial crisis, most countries in the region are still not providing the necessary level of domestic funding for harm-reduction efforts, particularly those targeting key populations – and in some countries, public funding is even declining.

Let’s minimize harms and risks” – the core philosophy underlying the Czech national drug policy.

I found it especially inspiring to hear how some countries have succeeded in bucking the trend and making the transition to sustainable funding. Jindřich Vobořil, who has served as the Czech Republic’s national anti-drug coordinator under prime ministers from three different parties, characterized the core philosophy underlying his country’s drug policy as “Let’s minimize harms and risks.”

这一承诺是反映在捷克布鲁里溃疡药物dget, 60% of which is devoted to harm reduction (€12 million). To insulate harm reduction from changes in government, he said it has been critical to enshrine the commitment to it in the law, and to place drug policy in the hands of professionals, rather than lay politicians.

联合国秘书长在东欧和中亚的艾滋病毒/艾滋病特使米歇尔·卡扎奇金(Michel Kazatchkine)回应了Vobočhilil的讲话。Kazatchkine表示,一旦建立了政府减少损害计划,也必须建立对该计划的独立科学审查的机制,以帮助其危及政治变革的风。

DIA+日志– Support centre for those affected by HIV/AIDS in Latvia

在拉脱维亚(一个不反应的焦点国家),DIA+日志,,,,the first support center for people living with HIV and their families, has only seen a small budget increase in recent years, but a focus on efficiency has meant that the NGO has more than doubled the number of needles it distributes annually. Board chair Ruta Kaupe spoke to the importance of cultivating relationships with government officials, practicing good management and disseminating information on program activities and the reasons for them.

She also highlighted one noteworthy development in the relationship between DIA+LOGS and the City of Riga; in the beginning, the city provided project financing and grants for harm reduction, but now it purchases harm-reduction services from the NGO. This arrangement underscores the city’s responsibility for the health of its citizens while affirming the value of what DIA+LOGS provides.

ha-react也在会议计划中出色。昨天,HA-REACT举办了一个全天研讨会,讲述了如何建立综合护理平台,如今,它正在举行有关减少危害服务的会议。我将报告今天会议的一些关键发现,特别关注肝炎 - 观看这个空间!

有关区域会议的更多信息,请访问harm-reduction.org,,,,where the full presentations will be posted starting next week.


