Measuring the impact of humanitarian assistance

目前几乎没有达成共识的措施,我们如何判断自然灾害后人道主义援助的影响?在这个来宾帖子中,克里斯托弗·李(Christopher Lee*)告诉我们他的刚刚发表的新论文BMC公共卫生,其中描述了2004年海啸之后在印度尼西亚阿塞(Aceh)进行的人道主义服务的影响评估。

(Tibang 2011):研究团队在Banda Aceh的一个村庄进行影响评估,2011年。
Tibang 2011:这study team conducting the impact assessment in a village in Banda Aceh, 2011.

On a sunny morning in Banda Aceh in January 2011, I woke up to the familiar sound of morning prayers and the occasional chirping bird. I was going to be driving down the coast to Meulaboh, another major town in Aceh Province in northern Sumatra that was devastated by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and subsequent earthquake.

海啸历史在亚齐(Aceh)是一个独特的历史。在海啸之前,该省陷入了分离主义团体之间持续的冲突Gerekan Aceh Merdeka((GAM, or the ‘Free Aceh Movement’) and the Indonesian military. During this time, human rights abuses were reported on both sides, and Human Rights Watch estimated there were approximately 15,000 civilian casualties between 1976 and the imposition of marshal law in 2003.

该省对国际援助人员关闭,直到海啸发生六周后,海啸引起了前所未有的人道主义反应,并有效地结束了冲突的岁月。这场灾难也是第一个主要测试球项目,,,,a set of rights-based standards and indicators for the provision of humanitarian assistance.

Around noon, the sun was high overhead. We had been driving for a few hours and now had to disembark from our car so that we could put it on a crudely made motorized raft to cross a small river. I wondered, despite the hundreds of millions of dollars invested into this highway, how much had peoples’ lives changed not only a result of the tsunami but also as a result of the humanitarian response?

这re exists no single measure that can capture the complexity of a recovered life. Natural disasters tend to cause a precipitous loss of life in the immediate stages, but years are spent on immediate assistance, reconstruction, and recovery.


Leuhan 2007:代表“工棚”的地方survivors lived while awaiting permanent housing, thirty months after the tsunami.  Families that relocated to barracks were displaced on average for 26 months, compared to those staying with host families who were displaced for 17 months.  Photo credit: author.
Leuhan 2007:一个代表的“营房”遗址,在海啸三十个月后,幸存者在等待永久住房时居住。搬到营房的家庭平均流离失所26个月,而与寄宿家庭相比,那些被流离失所的家庭。图片来源:作者。

2010年,联合国大会认可耐用解决方案的框架for Internally Displaced Persons,认识到像难民一样,内部流离失所者可能会在返回原始房屋,本地整合到新环境中或在该国其他地方重新安置时有效地结束流离失所。

Guided by existing human rights instruments, a set of indicators were developed to determine how effectively displacement had ended which include the attainment of an adequate standard of living, safety and security, access to livelihoods, justice and reparation, restitution of property, recovery of documents, family reunification, and participation in all levels of public affairs. We saw this as an opportunity to, for the first time, apply these rights-based measures to those affected by the tsunami.

Six years after the tsunami, we found that most of these measures had improved when compared to households’ recall of their pre-tsunami life. These findings,出版于BMC公共卫生suggested that the Indonesian government’s approach of ‘building back better’ was largely effective.

接下来,我们试图确定如何确定人道主义反应的哪些方面可能导致更好的结果。这个问题至关重要 - 我们知道,受到直接灾难更富有和影响较小的家庭往往会做得更好,但是如果人道主义社区介入的因素是否会在恢复过程后实际上导致有意义的变化?

In order to create a single measure containing all of the indicators of the attainment of durable solutions, we used principal components analysis (PCA). PCA was an ideal approach because it can generate a single score that is self-weighted for the different types of variables used to construct it. After assigning every household a durable solutions score, we were then able to see what aspects of the recovery process were associated with higher or lower scores.


We are now looking at this data to determine what factors are associated with prolonged displacement, which may help prioritize certain types of interventions to minimize the time spent in displacement and potentially have a long-term beneficial effect on survivors of disasters. We have found, for instance, that households that lived in camps following the tsunami were displaced on average almost a year longer than those who lived with friends and family members.

耐用解决方案的框架is publicly available and provides a human rights-based way to measure the end of displacement. We believe that these measures can be used by researchers, governments, and non-governmental organizations to assess the success of recovery and reconstruction processes and determine where responses have succeeded and failed.


*Christopher Lee, MD MSc MPH,是加利福尼亚大学,旧金山大学内科医学的常驻医师,也是约翰·霍普金斯·彭博公共卫生学院难民与灾难响应中心的助理

