
发射BMC动物学•“ exergaming”与健身房•对小猫哭泣的性别反应•在线垂死•肿瘤作为器官•无性黄瓜•处方药滥用•伪装的蟑螂•中风治疗的改善•粘性的奥秘Hydra


毫无疑问,我们本月最大的活动是发射BMC动物学,,,,the newest addition to the BMC-Series. Complementing our existing animal science journals likeBMC EcologyandBMC进化生物学,,,,the new journal offers a home for all original research manuscripts that report scientifically valid results on animal research. Editor Dirk Krügerdiscussed the launch在我们的博客上,Yaiza delPozoMartín强调了两篇以鸟类学为重点的发射文章,以她的出色作品“岛鸟之歌的进化课程”.

体育科学:“ Exergaming”与健身房

Exergaming——运动与游戏的使用interactive element – has been suggested as a more acceptable alternative to ‘traditional’ forms of exercise for those who struggle to engage in regular physical activity. A new randomised controlled trial compared healthy young adults engaging in a month of regular sessions of balance training; one group performing traditional gym-based exercises, the other utilising Xbox Kinect interactive software. Objectively, the physiological demands of the exercise sessions were the same in both groups, with no difference in mean heart rate. However, the Kinect group perceived their sessions to be less demanding and of lower intensity than the gym group. The researchers therefore suggest that exergaming could improve acceptance of balance training as part of physical rehabilitation regimens.


Active parental care in the Carribean spiny lobster. This pregnant female engages in abdominal flapping to provide oxygen to the brood of eggs under her abdomen. From Baezaet al.Active parental care, reproductive performance, and a novel egg predator affecting reproductive investment in the Caribbean spiny lobsterPANULIRUSargus“,,,,BMC动物学。



Public health: dying online

Suicide attempts carried out online appear to be a growing phenomenon. A study of five suicide attempts blog-casted on the Chinese social media site Weibo, explored the behaviour of both the participants and online observers. Many audience members wished to be helpful, with some contacting emergency services, but often lacked the skills or knowledge to intervene appropriately; other audience members, however, actively engaged in verbal abuse. Suicide blog-casters communicated signs of pain and cries for help, suggesting that better knowledge of how to respond to these situations could help observers prevent successful suicides.


鉴于复杂性和多尺度性质of cancer, mathematical modelling is crucial in cancer research as a complement to classical approaches. A new paper presents a comprehensive 3D computational model of the development of a cancerous tumor together with its environment. The model can show individual tumor cells at their precise 3D location, along with the endothelial cells of the blood vessels serving the tumor. The model suggests that tumors are more robust than previously thought; constricting oxygen supply to a growing tumor may only delay its growth but not actually kill it.



The annualBMC Ecologyimage competition once again produced a superb selection of images celebrating biodiversity, natural beauty, and biological interactions, as documented by talented ecologists worldwide. We showcased thewinning images在我们的博客上,而accompanying editorial此外,还包括补充文件中的许多值得称赞的图像,包括此在Moazambiqe的Gorongosa国家公园拍摄的一群运动式越野摄像机拍摄的一群水巴的照片。(归因:霍华德·休斯医学院科学教育部的Chuck Schultz)。

Plant biology: sexless cucumbers

在没有受精的情况下,Parthenocarpy是果实的发展,可产生可提高整体产量的无种子水果,并且通常在商业上是高度可取的。然而,这是一个鲜为人知的特征,涉及遗传学和生理因素之间的复杂相互作用。通过整个基因组重新测序,一项新的研究BMC遗传学identified significant genetic loci that promote parthenocarpy in cucumber, which may be useful for future breeding strategies.

Psychiatry: prescription drug abuse

A survey of five European countries – Denmark, Germany, Spain, Sweden and Great Britain – found that abuse of prescription drugs may be greater than previously thought. Opioids were the most commonly used non-medical prescription drug, with sedatives and stimulants also seeing significant use. Friends and family were the most likely source of obtaining these drugs, although internet pharmacies were also commonly used.

Ecology: cockroaches in disguise



A theoretical depiction of group foragers (grey shapes) as they move through different resource patches (colored circles). From van der Postet al.技能学习和社会学习机制的发展“,,,,BMC进化生物学。

Neurology : improvements in stroke treatment

While fatalities from strokes have declined in recent decades, complications arising after the initial onset can still cause significant setbacks in patient’s recovery. The first week after a stroke is the key period, with most complications having their onset then. However, a study of stroke patients treated at the Trondheim University Hospital in Norway found a significant decline in first-week complications over the decade 2003-2013. The researchers suggest this improvement might be explained by an increased focus on continuous monitoring and stabilizing physiological homeostasis over the past 10 years.

Zoology: the mysteries of the stickyHydra

淡水中心Hydra暂时将自身与遇到水下遇到的许多天然底物结合,例如岩石和叶子。这种粘附是由从在九头蛇‘foot’. However, the exact mechanism by whichHydra息肉附着在表面上仍未解决。发表在BMC动物学used several cutting edge electron microscopy techniques and enzyme histochemistry to provide insight into the bioadhesion ofHydra

粘合剂样材料由单个细胞类型产生,并具有在表面上散布,置换水并创建适当的环境以治愈分泌胶的能力。另一方面,由于肌肉收缩而发生脱离。Hydra,,,,already a classic model species in developmental and stem cell biology, presents a unique temporary adhesive system unknown in other aquatic organisms.

