
As we progress further into 2018,BMC Ecology回顾成功的一年,出版了新的令人兴奋的研究,其中包括马达加斯加的老鼠狐猴生存和奥地利的爬行动物道路杀害。我们仔细研究下面的文章亮点。


摄影师:Gabriella Skollar;编辑:丽贝卡·刘易斯(Rebecca Lewis)(自己的作品)[gfdl(或cc-by-sa-3.0(],通过Wikimedia Commons
Rakotoniaina研究了糖皮质激素水平与生存率之间的关系et al.通过实施捕获标志的征收模型和头发皮质醇浓度(一种类型的糖皮质激素)作为应力指标,评估了压力对自然环境中生存的影响。



Population decline is often hard to measure, and this study demonstrates how an individual health indicator, such as long-term stress levels, may provide an alternate and easier method for detecting issues at a population level, thereby predicting wild populations’ responses to environmental challenges.


伊万·麦德内尼卡(Ivan Medenica)(自己的作品)[cc by-sa 4.0(],通过Wikimedia Commons
布里迪斯et al.研究极端气候变化的影响on migrating semi-collared flycatchers. They found that the flycatchers delayed the last phase of their spring migration and the population experienced low return rates to breeding sites while enduring a severe cold spellen route


This study progresses our understanding of how a species biological rhythms and their external environmental stimuli interact. This enables us to greater understand how climate change may impact on migratory animals.

A Citizen Science Approach to Investigating Road-kill Hotspots

©KellergassenNiederösterreich2016 / Wikimedia Commons /,通过Wikimedia Commons

Heiglet al。使用公民科学方法研究了三级道路上道路杀死的爬行动物和两栖动物的空间模式。开放访问遥感数据是通过使用公民科学应用程序获得的。

The authors monitored the reptile and amphibian road-kills along 97.5km of tertiary roads, stretching across interurban, municipal and agricultural roads as well as cycling paths. The data was collected in eastern Austria across two seasons.

72 reptile and 180 amphibian road-kills comprising eight species were recorded, mainly along agricultural roads. It was found that the highest concentrations of road-kills were located next to vineyards, suburban areas and arable land. Green toads, common toads and grass snakes were the most often found road-killed species.



Mareike Hirschfeld and Mark-Oliver Rödel investigated which traits make a species more tolerant to disturbances, thereby enabling their success and survival in altered tropical forests as well as pristine ones.

Through analyzing published data in 243 frog species, they identified which traits enabled these amphibians to cope most effectively to modifications of their natural environment.




By Andrew C (Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii)) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
在他们的研究中et al.检查了侵入性小龙虾是否故意破坏了容纳其猎物的淹没植被,以提高其喂养效率并因此增长速度。

The researchers found that increasing crayfish density decreased vegetation and animal prey density whilst also increasing the rate of growth of individual crayfish.

When the vegetation was replaced with an increased amount of artificial vegetation, the crayfish growth rate decreased and the survival of animal prey increased.

The experiments determine that the aquatic vegetation strengthens the bottom-up control of crayfish, but this effect is relaxed when the density of crayfish is increased.


