
正念冥想已成为心理学家工具包中的一种主流技术,但其在非临床环境中的功效尚不清楚。在our recent studypublished inBMC心理学并在ISRCTN registry,我们仔细设计了一项在方法方面的研究,以测试正念冥想对批判性思维的有效性。



远离临床环境意味着要摆脱对临床效应的依赖,以证明正念冥想干预措施的实施是合理的。现在,正念冥想不仅与压力减轻和情绪障碍的复发有关,而且还声称正念冥想会导致better relationships,,,,更多的亲社会行为,,,,更高的工作满意度,,,,更加集中注意力,更高的记忆技能improved critical thinking

但是,这些主张的证据有多强?对关系和亲社会行为进行研究 -最近的荟萃分析表明,当研究使用更强大的方法时,这些收益的证据就会消失。

Mindfulness meditation and cognition

关于正念冥想的好处的许多其他主张与认知能力有关。这些主张可以分为与低阶认知功能有关的那些主张,例如感知,注意力和自动反应(正如诺贝尔奖获得者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)所说,快速思考)以及更高阶段的思维技能,例如解决问题,决策 -总的来说,进行批判性思维(或思考缓慢)。



其次,声称正念可能有助于批判性思维。由于正念(在西方心理学中教授)在很大程度上依赖于培养接受,因此它可能对批判性思考的趋势产生负面影响。批判性思维从根本上需要不是接受信息而无需质疑。有趣的是,a cross-sectional studywe conducted showed both positive and negative effects of the tendency to be mindful on performance in a critical thinking task.

We followed this up with alab-based experiment与指导性的假冥想相比,单个引导的正念冥想的效果 - 听起来像是正念冥想,但没有有关如何控制注意力的具体说明。在这项实验中,被随机分为正念冥想组没有总体上的好处。但是,那些在正念冥想小组中不太愿意努力投入批判性思维的人,而那些不太开放的人确实会在批判性思维表现方面有所改善。


Our latest paperpublished inBMC心理学描述了迄今为止关于正念和批判性思维的主张的最强烈考验。在6周中,我们测试了T大学生在大学生的样本中,他对定期正念冥想的冥想对进行虚假冥想的影响 - 聆听表面上是一种指导性的正念冥想的录音。我们不仅是出于方便的,还专注于学生,还因为关于冥想实践与高等教育的整合的报告表明,这样做会改善学生之间的批判性思维。

Ninety students were randomly assigned to either the mindfulness meditation group or the sham meditation group. Importantly, neither the students nor the researchers were aware of which group the participants were in, and the participants were under the impression that both conditions involved equally effective meditation techniques.换句话说,这项研究是一项随机对照试验,具有双盲方法,也是预注册

我们能够通过合作来实现这一严格Headspace,一家生产世界上最受欢迎的正念中介应用程序的公司。这使我们能够收集客观的依从性数据,这意味着我们提供指导冥想的方法在生态上是有效的,因为应用程序是学习冥想的最流行方式之一。我们甚至找到了顶空的联合创始人安迪·普迪科姆(Andy Puddicombe)录制了我们的假冥想脚本。


这项研究中主要兴趣的结果度量是正念,执行功能,批判性思维以及对批判性思维的两个倾向 - 积极开放的思维思维和认知需求。根据认知心理学的理论,该理论侧重于快速和缓慢的思维,称为双重过程理论,,,,executive function is the mechanism through which responses generated through fast thinking are inhibited which allows slow thinking, such as critical thinking, to occur.

我们的结果并不支持那些定期正念冥想实践改善批判性思维的说法。我们发现,正念冥想和假冥想在整个螺柱过程中都在批判性思维方面取得了同等的进步y. Therefore, there was no effect specific to the practice of mindfulness meditation. We believe that there are a number of possible explanations for this finding.




在summary, th之前一直在许多支持和挑战claims regarding the supposed benefits of mindfulness practice, as it is taught in Western psychology, and a big industry has been built on the shaky foundation of these claims. We have demonstrated that it is possible to identify these claims and apply rigorous research methods to determine whether they are supported or not. Mindfulness research must continue to use randomized control trials, double blinding, and objective measurements of adherence and outcomes of the intervention for claims regarding mindfulness practice to be taken seriously.




If people have already learnt how to practice mindfulness meditation (before participating in this study), then I would expect those individuals could benefit from even sham meditation sessions (as they already know how to meditate without instructions). So, I would expect ceiling effects.


Relating to my earlier comment, the recent mindfulness randomized controlled trial (Published in ‘Lancet Public Health’) has controlled for baseline scores [ref:


Thanks for this. Valuable insights. I get loads of requests from businesses asking if the results of a mindfulness practice is measurable. They ask, what is the ROI. Very difficult to quantify.

Ted Meissner

The “sham” meditation, as noted in the paper itself, may be too close to “real” meditation. Having read the script for it, I concur — the sham wasn’t a sham at all, it was a mindfulness of breath meditation. There was also un-moderated progression of exercises in the “real” group, which I would expect served to offset gains as it was too much change during the limited time frame. So you had one group being able to really go deep with one practice, and another that was constantly changing.

Note that the authors have been very up-front about the known constraints of the study, but didn’t appear to consult with experienced mindfulness teachers (i.e., the people who could see additional problems with the study and suggest solutions prior to implementation). It’s like doing a cardiac study without any cardiac docs involved.


Why did this study use a control group that also engaged in meditation? I think a ‘health education class’ alternative would have been a better control group. In physical activity trials, they almost always use a wait-list control group – not sure why this standard has to be more stringent when it comes to mindfulness trials.




那条线也引起了我的注意。似乎表明接受必须将真理价值归因于陈述 - 即“我的接受意味着它必须是真实的”而没有任何进一步的质疑。我本来会认为这更像是“我接受(从而克服自动偏见)存在多种观点(什么是)”。这可能会触发决定使用诸如批判性思维之类的工具尝试解决的决定。

I agree that involvement of experienced practitioners would help provide clarity to this pretty fundamental point.
