Evolution and Schizophrenia

精神分裂症is a complex psychiatric disorder which persists despite its disadvantagous effects. Here, Niladri Banerjee describeswork undertaken by himself and colleagues and published inBMC Evolutionary Biology这个调查whether methylated regions that differ between us, Neanderthals and Denisovans are enriched with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) known to be associated with the disease.



For starters, schizophrenia is extremely complex and manifests itself in myriad ways. It is a psychiatric disorder that primarily affects one of the most, if not the most, important organs in our body: the brain. In the clinic, a presentation of the so-called positive symptoms: hallucinations and delusions along with negative symptoms: apathy and depression for a period lasting anywhere from one to six months tends to be classified under the category of Schizophrenia.

由于至少出现书面字母,有记录描述了今天称为精神分裂症的体征和症状。Furthermore, these records exist in cultures that have been separated by geography and time. This is one of the defining features of the disease – a global lifetime prevalence of 1% that does not depend on where or when one is born.


Manifestation of this disease across cultures and millenia makes one wonder why natural selection, seems to neither eliminate nor reduce the prevalance of the disease. The disease usually manifests in late adolescence to early 20’s, the prime period of reproduction. Yet despite the observation of reduced fecundity amongst patients, the disease persists.

While many hypotheses have been suggested to explain the persistence of the disease, the most prominent is Timothy J. Crow’s ‘evolutionary hypothesis’, put forward more than twenty years ago. This hypothesis stipulates that the disease is a by-product of the evolution of the human mind –that language and psychosis are connected。最初,这很难测试,因为无法确定人类血统中首先表现出语言或精神病。

However, the sequencing of the entire human genome opened many frontiers, including the possibility of tracing evolutionary events that shaped humans.最近的工作自从尼安德特人和丹尼索沃人的共同祖先差异以来,已经追溯了人类基因组上DNA甲基化的演变。人类,尼安德特人和丹尼索牛群之间具有可变甲基化的人类基因组的这样的区域被称为差异甲基化区域或DMR。


In our work, published inBMC Evolutionary Biology, we build upon the results of these DMRs. We systematically investigated whether these regions are enriched for individual nucleotides on the human genome, otherwise known as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These SNPs have been associated with Schizophrenia and twelve other traits through previous genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Our findings indicate that the human DMRs but not Neanderthal or Denisovan DMRs harbour more SNPs associated with Schizophrenia than can be expected by chance alone.

要记住的一个重要警告是,GWAS研究仅有助于确定人类基因组(SNP)的区域associated具有性状/疾病,很少有变体causative。More often than not, the results from GWAS instead point to markers involved in various developmental pathways or regions that regulate the complex orchestra of protein formation in the human body. Thus even when we say schizophrenia associated SNPs, the SNPs in and of themselves are merely associated and not causative of the disease.

The lack of enrichment of Neanderthal or Denisovan DMRs for SNPs associated with Schizophrenia could be interpreted in at least two different ways. The first and obvious interpretation is that the regions delineating methylation differences in our evolutionarily extinct cousins did not harbour more genetic variants associated with schizophrenia than expected by chance. This might make us tempted to believe that they may have been devoid of symptoms classified as schizophrenia.



第二种解释是,自从尼安德特人和丹尼索沃斯的差异以来,人类谱系中发生的甲基化变化至少在具有精神分裂症风险变异的基因组区域中,至少是部分的。这种解释得到了其他遗传研究的支持,该研究仅查看基本的人类基因组序列,即DNA,一直在选择压力for enrichment of Schizophrenia associated SNPs.

我们对这些DMR的结果以及其他遗传研究现在开始支持TJ Crow提出的精神分裂症的进化假设。我们表明,人类基因组的区域在人类谱系中特异性变化,在进化时期,与精神分裂症相关的SNP富含。


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