Introducing the BMC Series SDG Editorial Board Members: Melissa Willoughby

梅利莎·威洛比(Melissa Willoughby)是编辑委员会成员BMC公共卫生。She specializes in the health of marginalized populations with a focus on violence, criminal justice and gender, relating to SDG 5, achieving gender equality and empowerment for all women and girls and SDG 16, promoting peaceful and inclusive societies.

Welcome to ourSDG Editorial Board Members博客集合。我们正在听到BMC系列期刊编辑委员会成员的消息,他们的工作与实现可持续发展目标相符。在这里,您可以在此集合中找到其他帖子,并与标签“ SDG编辑董事会成员”分组。

Violence is a complex issue that remains a public health priority globally. Violence is not equally distributed across society but disproportionately impacts people who face health and social inequities. People who experience health and social inequities, such as homelessness, unemployment, mental illness and substance use disorders, are also more likely to have contact with the criminal justice system.

My PhD research examines how we can prevent deaths and injuries from violence among adults and young people who have had contact with the criminal justice system in Australia. My work primarily relates to SDG 5, achieving gender equality and empowerment for all women and girls and SDG 16, promoting peaceful and inclusive societies. Preventing violence and deaths from violence is specified in three targets to achieve these goals. Target 5.2 aims to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, target 16.1 aims to reduce deaths from violence and target 16.2 aims to end all forms of violence against children.

这项研究的一个主要挑战是,与刑事司法系统接触的人们所经历的暴力很少被认为是健康问题。尽管暴力被宣布为公共卫生的优先事项世界卫生组织大约二十年前,health of those who had had contact with the criminal justice system被认为是公共卫生的重要组成部分。


Ignoring the violence experienced by this population ignores the connection between health, violence and criminal justice system involvement. Many adults and young people who have experienced incarceration were victims of violence他们与刑事司法系统接触。这绝大多数(70-90%)的妇女在监狱中是暴力,最经常亲密的伴侣和家庭暴力的受害者。对于许多人来说,他们的暴力受害与刑事司法系统的参与的原因有关。例如,人们可能会在成为暴力的受害者之后将使用物质用作作为应对策略,然后随后被指控使用或拥有物质。年轻人可能在遭受家庭暴力后离开家,无家可归,这反过来可能会增加与刑事司法系统接触的可能性。

我们需要挑战和解决p的耻辱eople who have had contact with the criminal justice experience, which continues long after their contact with the system. People who have had contact with the criminal justice system are part of the community and do not exist separately from it. Even those who are incarcerated usually only spend a relatively short period of time in prison before being released back into the community. As such, improving the health of this population and reducing the violence they experience is likely important to reducing health inequities at the population level and achieving SDGs 5 and 16.


当人们与刑事司法系统接触时,必须考虑经历暴力对健康和行为的影响。我们的刑事司法系统需要创伤信息,包括创伤信息的反应,,,,which includes diversion to more appropriate services, such as mental health and family violence services. Without which, we may be further entrenching a cycle of disadvantage and violence in this population.

