Advice to authors from the Editorial Board Members of BMC Cardiovascular Disorders

Editorial Board Member (EBM) of the month倡议,对选定的EBM进行了一系列采访,发生在2021年5月至2022年4月之间BMC Cardiovascular Disorders。One of the questions of the interview was:‘ ’What is one piece of advice you would give to prospective authors as an EBM overseeing peer review?“ Below are some of the insightful responses of the EBMs (edited for conciseness) that we hope all authors will benefit from.

We asked the本月的EBMofBMC Cardiovascular Disordersthe question:


Here are their replies:

  • “我建议作者在其手稿中提供所有相关信息。特别是,论文的方法部分应提供足够的详细信息,以便如果可用的数据可用,则可以仅根据论文中提供的信息来重现作者的结果。”英国牛津大学Nuffield人口健康系高级统计学家Christiana Kartsonaki博士

  • “Before submitting the manuscript, I recommend all authors to read it, exchange constructive advice and revise the manuscript together as all authors would be responsible to ensure questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Try to put yourself into the shoes of the reviewers and re-read the article from another perspective, from the title to all figures and tables, from punctuation to grammar. Though the accuracy of tables and grammar may not be the priority when reviewers are deciding whether to accept the paper or not, it shows respect to the journals and reviewers. Treat your reviewers as you hope they will treat you”.Prof Guo-wei Tu, Chief Physician and Associate Professor of Critical Care Medicine of Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

  • “我建议作者真正强调他们的研究如何为特定领域做出贡献,以及他们的发现如何适合更广泛的情况。作者应始终考虑统计能力,并在执行统计分析并介绍手稿的结果时咨询经验丰富的分析师。方法部分是每个手稿的重要组成部分,应包含足够的细节以使审阅者能够确定实验/研究/分析的可信度。作者应确保在描述避免延误或不利评论的方法时,它们尽可能透明。”Stavroula Kanoni博士,临床药理学系营养学和心血管健康的讲师

  • “包括我在内的每个作者都应遵守研究的道德原则和研究原则。作者应避免以任何形式的研究不当行为”。Prof Elaheh Malakan Rad, Professor of Pediatric Interventional Cardiology at Children’s Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

  • “I would always recommend looking in-depth at the existing literature. I see, especially in my field (digital health and telemedicine), that many authors are naïve and not well informed on the specific literature, and often they cannot discern the quality of the cited research”.Prof Stefano Omboni, Director of the Italian Institute of Telemedicine, Italy and Professor of Cardiology at the First Moscow State Medical University Department of Cardiology, Russia

  • “I take a step back by suggesting authors to check for the scientific soundness of the paper. If you feel it is not sound, please work on it again and revise what is not sound. When you submit papers, please take the time to carefully check for English language and typos as these might limit the attraction of a manuscript for a reviewer, who usually revises a lot of papers every week. In addition, statistical analysis is often neglected or covered in a superficial way, but this is very important. Wrong analyses lead to wrong results. In general, although time is important in research, please do take the time to double-check that every aspect is perfect, or nearly perfect before submitting”.Aldo Bonaventura博士,Ospedale di Circolo E Fondazione Macchi的内科部门(意大利)

  • “I am fostering high-quality fair perfectionism in science. It is typical for submitted papers to have many grammar errors and typos and sometimes the statistics’ superficial vision. It is very critical to write a paper transparent enough for peers and readers with the justification of the statistical power and with good English to avoid any misunderstanding. A solid statistical approach and ample clarity regarding the scientific approach’s design and content guarantee publication despite any limitations”.约翰·亚历山大·哈拉莫夫(John Alexander Kharlamov)博士,德哈尔研究工作队,鹿特丹,荷兰和塔林,爱沙尼亚

  • “It is essential to read your manuscript twice and thrice before hitting the submit button. Manuscripts go over a lot of iterations and edits from the coauthors, and something is always missed. One good final read before submitting is crucial and makes it easy for you and everyone else involved. I would also advise authors to try as much as possible to comply with the journal’s guidelines, even the tiny details like word count or the abstracts’ subheadings. It is a long process to go back and forth to fix these small details”.班纳大学医学中心和UA医学学院 - 美国卫生学院介入心脏病学研究员兼临床教师Michael Megaly博士

  • “我认为,研究的负面结果与出版积极结果一样重要”。Dr Gaurav Sharma, early-career biomedical researcher at the Advanced Imaging Research Centre, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre, USA

  • “当提交一篇文章,把自己放在Editor’s and Reviewers’ shoes and try to understand if the main question that the paper is trying to answer is clear to the readership. If the scientific purpose of the paper is not crystal clear, the reviewers and editors will find it hard to understand the scientific importance of your paper and will likely fail to give it sufficient priority”.意大利帕维亚大学心脏病学居民克劳迪奥·蒙塔尔托(Claudio Montalto)博士,牛津大学医院NHS Trust的介入心脏病学研究员

  • “虽然我坚信作者严格review and edit the manuscript before submission, additional editing is still required during the revision cycle until it’s finally published. Therefore, I would highly recommend authors to share the manuscript with their colleagues, other Professors, and scientific staff and get their honest feedback and additional eye-scan before final submission. I would encourage authors to mention additional scientific queries, limitations of their studies/methods used, any biased approach followed during analysis, and try to interpret and discuss all results. If English is not their first language, I would recommend authors utilize institutional/private creative writing and editing services. Authors should be careful about grammar, data analysis, data interpretation and make sure content in the title, abstract, results and the discussion is aligned”.爱荷华州爱荷华大学卡弗医学院高级研究员Gourav Bhardwaj博士

