2013 in Genome Biology… according to F1000 reviewers


In 2013, BioMed Central's118bet网址多少 andBiome杂志have dedicated quite some space to considering alternative models of peer review.

一emerging approach is to reverse the traditional order of scientific evaluation by publishing first and peer reviewing later. Arguments in favor of this model include the crowdsourcing‑ization of peer review, in which the wisdom of crowds may replace the arbitrary selection of two or three referees, and the 'floating to the top' of the strongest studies, as these are expected to attract the most recommendations.

That time in open peer review when Elvis was compared to a ribozyme RNA replicase

In common with other models of open peer review, such as those operated by BioMed Central medical journals and生物学Direct(a personal highlight: 'There is an infinite number of worlds that are incomparably better, even those where Elvis is still alive. Thus, I believe I am relegating Dr. Pangloss to irrelevance.'),评论的开放性也应该有助于告知读者对研究的优势和弱点,以及评估背景背景和潜在争议。

发布第一和传统模型之间的混合动力器是1000个教员(F1000),它争取了1000多名活跃研究人员的“教师”,从文献中选择文章,并提供出版后开放的同行评审。好奇地测试这些评论的价值,我决定让F1000的评论者选择基因组生物学's highlights of 2013, and to revisit with them what every reader should know about the studies in hand.

Inter-domain gene transfer
二月,研究人员领导Robert Hirt and Martin Hembley(纽卡斯尔大学)发表了一个侧基因转移的表征在原核生物和微生物真核寄生虫之间。

F1000审稿人员马克拉根andCheong Xin Chan请注意,“作者令人信服地阐述了LGT对寄生生活方式的适应的贡献,以及LGT在分享栖息地或环境利基的分类的趋势。评论新发现如何推进现场,审稿人得出结论,“LGT对微生物寄生虫中的代谢途径的影响,直到现在被低估了”。

Another F1000 reviewer,阿德里安·赫尔那points out that gene transfer from the environmental microbiome, as is reported in the study, is much harder to identify than transfers from plastid genomes. But he believes that lateral gene transfer is now emerging as 'a major mechanism of eukaryotic genome evolution'.

p53 profundity
In April,reuven agamiand colleagues at the Netherlands Cancer Institute used RNA sequencing and ribosomal profiling tostudy cells under various physiological conditions: normal proliferation, quiescence, pre-senescence, senescence and neoplastic transformation. Their findings caught the attention of F1000 reviewer乔纳森华纳:“本文脱颖而出,因为它导致了对不同类别的差异效应的明确划分。它非常简单:P53激活深刻抑制MRNA编码核糖体蛋白和翻译因子的翻译,以及深刻地抑制细胞周期和核糖体组装基因的转录。

The life aquatic
5月,植物基因组学爱斯特的国际财团报道了基因组Nelumbo Nucifera,更常见的是神圣的莲花。F1000审稿人员德克Hincha.andYves Van de Peer既赞美序列的“高质量和覆盖范围”,也有兴趣对水生环境中的生命的具体适应的证据,以及特定于血统的基因组重复。

范德对等人指出,在65 MyA的复制事件中提出的约会是“如果是真的”特别有趣'。原因?“这将为植物谱系的越来越多的植物谱系中添加其他物种,这些物种似乎在白垩纪 - 第三批次灭绝周围经历了整个基因组重复事件。多倍化与增加的适应和减少灭绝有关,也可能在莲花(祖先)的生存中发挥了至关重要的作用。

How to perform forward genetic screens in拟南芥
Included in基因组生物学's June植物基因组学的特刊was the efficiently named Method article 'User guide for mapping-by-sequencing in拟南芥', contributed byKorbinian Schneeberger.(Max Planck植物育种研究所),Detlef Weigel(马克斯·普朗克Institute for Developmental Biology) and colleagues.

适用于F1000审稿人员Dario LeisterandTatjana Kleine.那the method is a 'must-read' paper for anyone planning to use next-generation sequencing-based forward genetics to map mutants in拟南芥- 节省“非数学家”试图确定适当的实验设置的头痛。

In July,Upinder Singh.(Stanford University) and尼尔霍尔(University of Liverpool) reportedthe genome and transcriptome ofentamoeba入侵者那a reptilian pathogen that serves as a model for encystation and excystation by the human pathogenEntamoeba histolytica(潜在的致命寄生虫认为感染5000万人)。F1000评论家格雷厄姆克拉克draws attention to the finding that meiosis may take place in the cyst, which he cautions will be controversial, and to the pinpointing of phospholipase D as a likely regulator of encystation.


在十月,Steve Horvath(UCLA) used a large-scale analysis of publicly available data to build ahighly accurate predictor of age仅基于DNA甲基化值(特别是在流行的Illumina Infinium阵列上的353个CPG位点的甲基化值),并研究如何术语术语“DNA甲基化老化”涉及人类疾病。

While at基因组生物学我们讨论了研究的潜力使法医犯罪电视显示更有趣那F1000评论家Christopher Janetopoulos.更令人震惊,以便在发育生物学,衰老和癌症中提供信息。janetopoulos突出了“当我们出生的生物钟不恒定并且迅速迅速刻度,然后在我们的20多岁时逐渐迅速勾选。




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