Monthly Archives:November 2015

Cas9: one protein to rule them all


As we hail CRISPR/Cas as the most versatile, easy to design genome editing tool, as CRISPR in every form and color wins media attention, it is very easy to forget that the true workhorse in this system is an unimposing enzyme: Cas9.


Help investigate the genetic mystery of Hong Kong’s floral emblem: The Bauhinia Flower


‘Big Data’ is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in our lives, and we atGigaScienceare big fans of approaches democratizing its utility through crowdfunding and crowdsourcing.

After helping promote community genome and microbiome projects such as thePuerto Rican “peoples parrot”, Azolla Genome,Kittybiome, and thecommunity cactus, we’ve finally decided to launch our own.


The Epigenetics and Chromatin Clinic

High-throughput experiments – miRNA – 2

With epigenetics being known to play a major role in some diseases, we’re now seeing the emergence of specialist centers dedicated to clinical epigenetics research. In this Q&A, Dr Hans T Bjornsson gives an insight into the exciting work going on at his Johns Hopkins patient clinic.

Biology Health Medicine Technology