真菌遗传学会议问答 - 识别新的L MACULANS效应子,一种油籽的真菌病原体

真菌生物学和生物技术最近参加了在加利福尼亚举行的第29届真菌遗传学会议。在那里,我们邀请了三位年轻的科学家,他们展示了出色的海报参加问答。在此博客中,我们与Inra Bioger(法国)的第三年博士生Julie Gervais进行了交谈Leptosphaeria maculans

Could you give us some background information concerning your project, and why it is important?

我的名字叫朱莉·格维(Julie Gervais),我是Inra Bioger(法国)的第三年级学生Leptosphaeria maculans,这是造成干can病的原因。这种真菌有两个植物的定植阶段。在第一阶段,真菌感染叶子和子叶(第一叶从发芽的种子出现)。一旦进入叶子,真菌的生物营养阶段为10天,然后切换为坏死植物。

遵循这种主要的叶片感染,L. Maculans在长长的内生全身定殖过程中生长在茎组织内。这种定殖完全没有症状,可能会持续9个月。我的目标是更好地了解真菌在油籽茎内如何生长几个月而不会引起任何症状。我特别专注于鉴定新效应子,即由真菌产生的分泌蛋白,使其能够有效地发展到植物中。



经过转录组分析,我确定了在殖民阶段早期表达不足的“晚期”效应候选者,并且在感染的茎中过表达。My analysis revealed a link between the regulation of expression of effectors and their genomic location: the ‘late’ effector candidates, putatively involved in systemic colonization, are located in gene-rich genomic regions, whereas the ‘early’ effector genes, over-expressed in the early colonization stage, are located in gene-poor regions of the genome. These results were recently published in an article of分子植物病理学。

I am also trying to confirm the role of effector for six late effector candidates: I am measuring the impact of the silencing of these genes on the fungal growth inside the stem. Preliminary results indicated that the silencing of one of these candidates induced smaller necrosis on the stem.

我论文的另一个目的是确定控制的新抵抗力L. Maculans。新效应子基因的鉴定将有助于鉴定这些效应子特异性的新抗性基因。

What brought you to work with fungi? And what do you enjoy most about your research?

在学习期间,我对植物与微生物之间的相互作用的理解更加感兴趣,因此我决定在论文中追求这种兴趣L. Maculans和它的主人,油料强奸。我特别喜欢试图剖析两个生物之间的相互作用网络,并能够在有效控制植物疾病的情况下将这种发现应用于。




I was able to attend to the Fungal Genetics Conference thanks to travel fundings from the « Académie d’agriculture (grant Jean & Marie-Louise Dufrenoy)» and from the Genetics Society of America.


