
今天我们发布可持续地球,,,,a community-focused, open access journal where researchers, policy makers and citizens can read, discuss and promote ideas around sustainability and innovation. To mark the launch we invited Fortunate Machingura, author of one the首次发表的文章,解释为什么当它到来时,我们需要在全球采取行动,以确保最贫穷,最脆弱的国家不会被抛在后面。


气候信息服务正在帮助我们进一步了解为什么某些天气异常恶劣,应责备多少气候变化以及在世界上的期望 - 有望帮助各国准备达成可持续发展和取得进展的暗示发展目标(可持续发展目标)。

在可持续发展目标的承诺中,所有国家都承诺帮助那些最远的人,他们承诺将“没有人留下”作为获得2030年议程的先决条件。Our seminal paperhighlights that putting the worst off first and making the extremely poor reach their full potential is not just a foundational equity principle to ending all forms of poverty everywhere, but should also be seen as a commitment to a climate-smart development narrative which places emphasis on inclusive stewardship of climate information services, particularly among the most vulnerable and marginalized social groups.

气候信息服务的可用性和应用在需要它们最需要的国家 - 低收入,气候范围的发展中国家和最不发达国家。


Poor climate information services can expose vulnerable groups to new risks and worsen pre-existing vulnerabilities and drivers of marginalization resulting in more profound exclusion, poverty and inequalities. People caught in climate vulnerabilities – those living in conflict, and those who are immigrants or those displaced – often fall through the cracks of climate planning or are explicitly excluded from climate information.


Without the concerted efforts of stakeholders at the national level to address the needs of people caught up in various forms of climate vulnerabilities, we will not achieve the SDGs for all, and边缘化群体和其余部分之间的差距the world will continue to grow.


Targeted efforts focused on people caught in climate vulnerabilities can spur delivery for these populations as well as their countries and host communities. Thus, making decisions in the context of Agenda 2030 will mean actively integrating the diverse knowledge systems which underpin them to close the persistent gap between climate information production and use. Decision makers should take three critical steps recommended in our paper to prepare the groundwork necessary for tackling gaps present in climate information services:

Establish and support institutions that spearhead vital climate information services research, advisory and tailored products for government, private and public sector players. Investments are needed particularly in most LDCs to build the necessary technical and scientific capabilities such as observation networks, training of research personnel and the establishment of effective early warning systems.

发展和促进包容性无等级的费用dback and engagement mechanisms and forums that will enable providers and users (especially socially excluded and marginalized groups) of climate information to work together in co-designing and co-generating climate information products and dissemination channels. Targeting the worst off first entails the engagement of inclusive, iterative, interactive and flexible mechanisms of knowledge exchange between players subscribing to different knowledge systems, including climate scientists, resource users and practitioners, towards building mutual respect, trust, climate information products and dissemination channels that are acknowledged, accepted, accessible and used across knowledge boundaries.


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