Understanding your environmental impacts – the Planetary Accounting approach

今天我们发布可持续地球,以社区为中心的开放访问期刊,研究人员,政策制定者和公民可以阅读,讨论和宣传有关可持续性和创新的想法。为了纪念发布会,我们邀请了凯特·迈耶(Kate Meyer)首次发表的文章,,,,to talk about her research on breaking down the overwhelming issue of climate change to help nations, businesses, and individuals in tackling it.


北极熊消失,沙漠景观和极端天气事件的图像在媒体上乱七八糟。气候变化不再是未来,它正在我们周围发生。科学家正在呼吁采取行动 - 提出令人生畏的发现,即我们现在的环境限制超出了我们现在的环境极限。

In the face of a problem of this magnitude, it can seem almost impossible to know where to start. People are experiencing “climate fatigue” a sense of despair that the problem is too big, the end goal unclear.

那就是行星会计的来源。new article published in可持续地球,,,,we lay out a way to take global problems and break them down into manageable chunks. We show how the end goal can be determined for sustainability at different scales of activity from the individual and community, to business, city, and national scales. The paper begins to address the problem of where to start, of what we need to do.


In 2009, leading scientists proposed 9Planetary Boundaries- 全球环境极限,例如大气中二氧化碳的浓度,每年的物种灭绝数量以及其余的林地。这些限制共同定义了人类的“安全操作空间”,在此中,将地球状态从医院变为对人类敌对的人的风险很低。我们目前已经超过了四个边界。情况很紧急。

While the Planetary Boundaries provide important insight as to the magnitude and urgency of the situation, they do not translate easily into policy and action. They do not tell us what needs to be done to return to the safe operating space. How would one begin to divide the responsibility for the number of global species extinctions to different nations, cities, businesses, or individuals?

从Pl行星会计提供了链接anetary Boundaries to policy and action. Planetary Quotas – limits for human activity in “environmental currencies” such as maximum annual carbon emissions, minimum reforestation rates, and maximum land-use have been derived from the Planetary Boundaries.

Each of the Quotas are in measurable units which can be divided up amongst the world’s population. In this way, nations, businesses, and even individuals can start to understand what their share of the safe operating space might look like. Where the Planetary Boundaries can be compared to a health check for Earth, the Planetary Quotas are the prescription for a healthy planet.

凯特·迈耶(Kate Meyer)

The Planetary Accounting approach does more than breaking our global environmental challenges into more manageable chunks. It flips the conversation about sustainability from one that is focused on the difficult present, to one that is focused on a hopeful future.


此外,它连接了不同尺度的努力。全球谈判,个人行为变革计划,国家立法和业务可持续性目标都可以在同一框架下运作 - 具有更强烈的集体行动感。可以使用“行星事实”标签系统(类似于许多食品上的营养事实标签),可用于产生消费者的问责制。智能手机应用程序可以使个人互相竞争,以生活在地球的极限范围内。

Planetary Facts labels could help hold consumers accountable.
凯特·迈耶(Kate Meyer)

一个非营利的研究中心称为Planetary Accounting Network(PAN)最近启动了行星会计文章中提出的研究。它是一个基于会员的组织,旨在建立一个志趣相投的国际社会,他们可以帮助推动安全空间的变化。


行星会计不是我们全球环境危机的银行。要返回安全的操作空间,还有很多工作要做。但是,行星会计可以通过回答问题来帮助我们解决问题 - 您可以做些什么来帮助。

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Alan Merry



This is a great initiative amongst all the gloom. It is so depressing to see the lack of action from world leaders, and retrogressive steps taken by some. How good to have a framework to support individual and local initiatives.
