Placental Sex Differences: Q&A with Amy Inkster

Amy Inkster is the 2019 winner of the Biology of Sex Differences Best Poster Prize at the recent OSSD meeting in May. This Q&A provides an overview of her research into sex differences in placentas and how this can impact the pregnancy and postnatal outcomes.

At the May meeting of the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD), Amy Inkster’s poster titled “Sex-specific patterns of autosomal DNA methylation in the human placenta” was selected as the winner of the性别差异的生物学Best Poster Prize.

Learn more about Amy, the sex of placentas, and the importance of considering sex differences in pregnancy research in this Q&A with her.


When we study pregnancy complications, too often sex differences are not considered, and are rarely investigated directly. During pregnancy, the sex of a developing baby (either male or female based on chromosome complement) impacts both mother and baby’s risk for developing certain pregnancy complications. For example, male babies are far more likely to be born preterm, which puts them at increased risk for postnatal inflammation and infection. I’m interested in going back to basics to understand these sex differences on a molecular level, and how they relate to sex-specific pregnancy outcomes.

Briefly describe your primary area of interest and research. Which questions are you and your lab lab looking to answer?

My lab, under the supervision of温迪·罗宾逊博士, studies genetic and epigenetic aspects of human reproduction and development, with a large focus on the human placenta. The placenta is an absolutely essential organ that develops during pregnancy to mediate fetal growth and development throughout gestation – without the placenta, none of us would be here. Many students in my lab study specific complications of pregnancy, such aspreeclampsia绒毛膜炎,并研究在这些条件下胎盘的分子特征如何改变。

由温迪·P·罗宾逊(Wendy P Robinson)领导的卑诗省儿童医院研究所的罗宾逊实验室(右边是第一人称)。艾米·墨器(Amy Inkster)出现在左侧第二(从左到右)。


My research focuses on thoroughly characterizing sex differences in the placentas of normal babies delivered at term, by epigenetic and gene expression profiling. Even during healthy pregnancies, male and female babies develop differently, and their placentas exhibit sex-specific structure and function. When we understand the baseline differences in male and female placentas, we can apply that knowledge to investigate why certain pregnancy complications tend to affect the sexes disproportionately. Hopefully one day, this work will contribute to advancing diagnosis and treatment of these conditions, as it is possible that we could achieve better outcomes by considering the biological sex of the developing baby in deciding clinical interventions.

What challenges have you (and likely other researchers) faced when trying to ensure sex differences are taken into account in your research design?


This image shows the sites found to be differentially methylated by sex on autosomal DNA. Note that males and females aren’t separated into discrete groups, but spread across a continuum.

Have you had any surprising or unexpected results in your research? What were they and how have they impacted your understanding of pregnancy/placental changes?


What future directions do you hope to be able to explore in your research and why?


