
今天发表的研究脊椎治疗和脊椎动物中风之间没有明显的关联。在这个来宾帖子中,布里奇波特大学的斯蒂芬·佩尔(Stephen Perle)讨论了这些发现及其局限性。




VBA情况很少见,这意味着更多的是unknown than is known. The knowledge vacuum magnifies the value attached to anecdotes, which are prone to the logical fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this).

The literature has many case studies documenting VBA stroke following violent neck movements that apply unusual forces to the neck. So the biological plausibility for VBA stroke following forceful neck manipulation is reasonable.


In a study published today, Kosloff and colleagues have analyzed the largest health insurance data set (both commercial insurance and Medicare Advantage (MA) plans) used to investigate the association between chiropractic visits and stroke.




The authors acknowledge certain limitations of their study due to the nature of insurance claims data. These data do not code for what specific treatment was rendered or immediate responses to treatment. Thus it is not known if chiropractic manipulation was performed during any office visit and if there was any immediate adverse response. Further, the accuracy of the VBA stroke diagnoses is unknown. Finally as the authors note there is a loss of “contextual information surrounding clinical encounters between chiropractors and Primary Care Physicians and their patients.” This limits the knowledge of other known risk factors.




大卫·泰勒(David E Thaler)

Kosloff及其同事犯了同样的错误,但随后系统地将解剖患者排除在人群之外,从而加剧了错误。在安大略省,在Cassidy研究时,不使用针对解剖的ICD-9代码(443.xx)。在临床上被诊断出患有解剖的患者,将用Cassidy研究中的后循环法编码,因此将符合其研究的纳入标准。在美国,特定于解剖的代码在广泛使用中。具有临床CAD诊断的患者将用443.xx代码进行最精确的编码,而不是基于解剖的后循环代码。科斯洛夫(Kosloff)并未将解剖代码作为案例定义的一部分,因此有系统地排除了CAD患者。因此,Kosloff CAD识别策略的积极预测值甚至可能低于Cassidy观察到的阳性预测值。
Prior studies suggest vascular risk factors are not associated with CAD risk (3). That Kosloff’s subjects had non-CAD-related stroke is suggested by the higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in the case group (Table 3). The depletion of dissections from the Kosloff population also explains why no association between SMT and case-status was observed even in the younger (<45y) group – a finding which has been consistently seen in other studies, including Cassidy’s, with statistically and clinically significant odds ratios.
Kosloff et al define their cases as “vertebrobasilar stroke” but then draw inferences about CAD. This is an error in logic that ignores the heterogeneity of stroke subtypes. In addition to outcome misclassification, epidemiologic studies of SMT as a trigger of CAD face other methodological challenges – low CAD incidence rates, confounding, reverse causation, misclassification of SMT exposure (including recall bias), and selection bias. Rigorously designed studies that address these hurdles are needed to provide quality evidence to resolve this critical public health question. Unfortunately, Kosloff’s study does not provide such data.
(1)Cassidy JD, Boyle E, Cote P, et al. Risk of vertebrobasilar stroke and chiropractic care: results of a population based case-control and case-crossover study. Spine 2008; 33(4 Suppl):S176-S183.
(2)Cai X,Razmara A,Paulus JK,Switkowski K,Fariborz PJ,Goryachev SD,D'Avolio L,Feldmann E,Thaler DE。病例错误分类在脊柱操纵和动脉解剖的研究中。中风和脑血管疾病杂志,2014,23(8):2031-2035,doi:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2014.03.007
(3)Sidney M. Rubinstein,Saskia M. Peerdeman,Maurits W. Van Tulder,Ingrid Riphagen和Scott Haldeman。对宫颈动脉解剖的危险因素的系统评价。中风。2005;36:1575-1580,doi:10.1161/01.str.000000169919.73219.30

尼古斯·泰勒(Nigus Tyler)

It’s already proven that there is no significant association between chiropractic visits and vertebrobasilar stroke. Stephen Perle do a massive research about this report. Chiropractic care is there to help to eases the back pain at the same time there is no risk from other parts of the body.
