3Ps for global disease challenges: how to build fruitful conversations

复杂的互连如何在核心一种健康方法be understood? Linking human, animal and ecosystem health, with a focus on poverty, wellbeing and livelihoods, is easy to proclaim. It is much less easy to do. Can modelling approaches help us develop a conversation between different perspectives so we can define more effective responses and interventions?

这是一个提出的问题新文章in the Special Issue ‘One Health for a Changing World’, just published in thePhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society。该论文反映了在非洲财团疾病动态驱动因素,,,,and particularly the research on Lassa fever and Ebola in West Africa. In it, we propose an integrative approach to modelling for One Health, combining process, pattern and participatory approaches in a ‘3Ps’ approach.





Participatory mapping in Kenya
ilri/salome wanyoike

For example, simple process models can help us think about how disease dynamics unfold, while pattern-based macro-ecological models can make use of layers of statistical data about drivers of disease. When such models are combined as in new environmental-mechanistic models, a whole new set of insights can be uncovered. For example, withLassa feverand裂谷热in Africa, future impacts of climate change can be modelled in relation to spatially-specific spillover and transmission rates.





正如我们在毁灭性的西非的埃博拉疫情,,,,models with limited insights into how people behave, and how they respond to an unfolding outbreak, often missed their mark,


怎能conversation between modelling approaches be convened? Some跨学科团队建设的非常基本的要求are needed. This means the development of a common language, reinforced by trust and respect across modelling groups to allow for a more inclusive, co-produced process of model development.

Intimidating mathematics or complex ethnography should not come in the way. Nor should a sense of hierarchy of what authoritative knowledge is.

As we found, combining process, pattern and participatory modelling is not easy. Effective integrative modelling requires iterative, long-term, collaborative work, moving from abstract modelling to the field and back and forth across multiple conversations to build and deepen understandings. This takes time, trust and patience, and may well involve“建设性冲突”不同的。


