
不安全的堕胎 - 造成撒哈拉以南非洲所有孕产妇死亡的约18% - 是当今世界上最被忽视的性和生殖健康问题之一。一个新collection国际健康公平杂志旨在阐明有效或阻碍获得安全堕胎服务的法律,政治,社会和文化条件之间的表达。

全球,多数19-20百万妇女每年诉诸于不安全的堕胎。其中许多导致并发症会造成相当大的损害甚至死亡,使堕胎成为妇女健康和性别平等的关键问题。然而,堕胎仍然是全球卫生参与者中一个有争议的问题,并且经常被忽视和忽视。处理堕胎时,通常会根据合法化或定罪进行讨论,并且自由堕胎法通常被理解为容易获得堕胎服务的代名词。最近出版的collection在the国际健康公平杂志scrutinizes this assumption and asks the question:堕胎法实际上对女孩和妇女获得安全堕胎服务有什么区别


获得性和生殖健康服务(包括安全堕胎)是确保妇女平等选择健康和生活权利的重要一步。While access to such services is improving in many areas of the world, sub-Saharan Africa seems to be lagging behind. The region is responsible for anestimated 60% of all unsafe abortion在全球范围内,这是有限的交流密切相关cess to safe abortion alternatives. Is this lack of access to safe abortion services a result of a region’s abortion laws? Or are other factors just as relevant? Taking a closer look at the cases of Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Zambia – three countries in sub-Saharan Africa with very different abortion laws – can provide valuable insight. The laws in these countries vary from fairly liberal in Zambia to very restrictive in Tanzania. But how this is linked to girls’ and women’s possibilities to terminate a pregnancy without risking their lives, is far from evident. Abortion laws are only one of many factors that determine a girl’s chances to obtain an abortion. The situation in Zambia makes a good example: there, the Christian ideology of the state contravenes the law and undermines women’s rights to sexual and reproductive health. In other words, a seemingly liberal abortion law, like the one found in Zambia, is far from sufficient to guarantee girls and women access to safe abortion services.



while abortion laws are important, they are not enough to make a difference to the lives of girls and women seeking safe abortions


We hope that the articles of the thematic collection can inspire others to go beyond the question of legalization or criminalization of abortion, and further investigate the complex web of social, moral, and political factors that regulate and condition girls’ and women’s sexual and reproductive health.

