
更多对临床研究感兴趣的组织 - 最近在循证医学领域的领导者Cochrane合作- 呼吁更好地访问研究数据。那么,有什么阻碍?

在人类健康研究中,提高透明度的好处 - 更可靠,有效的研究以更好地为临床实践提供信息 - 可以说是最有形的,但据报道,该学科的研究人员是共享他们的数据的可能性最高。分享数据和所有临床试验结果的案例是由彼得·C·戈兹(PeterC.Gøtzsche)(北欧Cochrane中心)在commentary published todayTrials



Biomed Central鼓励并支持基础研究数据的共享和发布,但认识到与不同的数据类型和研究领域相关的挑战和警告。共享的要求已在某些领域成功确定,例如在基因组学上,机制和政策以及在大型数据集中存在明确的协作需求。在此字段中,数据必须经常立即发布,研究人员允许相对较短的时间专门的分析数据。Gøtzscheproposes a similar, but legally enforced, supranational model for clinical trials: “It should be a legal requirement to provide all results and raw data within an appropriate period of time, which, in accordance with most calls for data sharing, should be no later than 12 months after the randomized phase of the trial ended”.

The article aims to convince those with doubts that data sharing is needed and does not focus on the associated practical issues to be overcome, but recognizes efforts aimed at developing guidance and best practice to overcome these practical issues, such as those initiated经过Trials

“It is a moral imperative and we should act now, as it [full access to trial data] will empower citizens and convey tremendous scientific, economic, and social benefits,” concludes Gøtzsche.

临床试验中透明度的核心是中心的,是数据库中的前瞻性研究注册ISRCTN寄存器。Trial registration is required根据法律在the US and under international ethical guidelines in the Declaration of Helsinki, parts of which are considered as ‘习惯国际法规范‘。激励和提供平台来共享所有与试用相关的出版物是Biomed Central的主要方面线程出版物倡议。

这种大量的,士兵的评论构成了Trials’成长的主题系列共享临床研究数据,由安德鲁·维克斯(Andrew Vickers)博士编辑。

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