Monthly Archives:June 2013

Looking again at the Lupski-ome


Back in 2009, as a fresh-faced young editor, I attended the second Cold Spring Harbor Personal Genomes meeting. Nowadays medical and individual genomes are 10-a-penny (well, not quite), but four years is a long time in genomic technologies and the atmosphere at that meeting was one of excitement and anticipation. I shared a room with…Read more »


Presentation of the Microbiology, Immunology, Infection and Inflammation Research Award


Each year, BioMed Central presents awards in recognition of top quality research published in its journals. The winners of the Microbiology, Immunology, Infection and Inflammation category award are Julia Oh (pictured) and her colleagues for their article ‘Shifts in human skin and nares microbiota in health children and adults’ published in Genome Medicine. The judges…Read more »

Biology Medicine Publishing

HIV 30 years on: still no consensus on when to start therapy

In the past 30 years, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has been transformed from a devastating and poorly understood disease to a treatable and well-managed condition. Initially described as “a strange illness of unknown origin” by Jacques Leibovitch, the turning point occurred in 1983 when human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was first recognized as the retrovirus causing…Read more »


Highlights from the XXII European Stroke Conference

15 million people suffer from a stroke each year, according to the World Health Organisation. Of this number, 5 million people will die, and a further 5 million people are left with a permanent disability. With stroke having such a vast global impact, research into stroke prevention and treatment, as well as investigating ways that…Read more »


MRI detects early effects of chemotherapy on children's hearts


客人由专业博客fessor Mike McConnell, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA. Chemotherapy can injure heart muscle, leading to heart failure, but this damage may not be apparent until many years later. Children receiving chemotherapy are of particular concern, as the risk of heart failure increases as they age into adulthood. A safe, noninvasive…Read more »
