
TodayBMC公共卫生publishes researchinvestigating the factors that influence UK 11-year-olds to start drinking alcohol. In this blog, originally posted onThe Conversation博客,合着者伊冯·凯利(Yvonne Kelly)对这项工作进行了更多解释。

官方准则来自英国卫生部的清楚:15岁或以下的儿童不应喝酒。但是他们做到了。虽然说自己喝酒的年轻人人数has recently fallen,十几岁的时候仍然是我们大多数人都有第一次喝酒的时候。有些孩子在成为青少年之前就喝酒。

Now in新研究we published inBMC公共卫生we have found that UK 11-year-olds whose parents drink heavily are almost twice as likely to drink themselves than if parents are non-drinkers – and particularly if their mother rather than their father is a heavy or regular binge drinker.

Many parents fear that absolute prohibition will lead to secret drinking and a loss of trust in the relationship with their child. It would appear to be common sense that a child drinking a small amount of watered-down wine with a family meal may develop quite different later adolescent behaviors to a child swigging vodka with friends in a bus shelter. Common sense it might be, but there has been little robust research around this.


我们的研究利用了可用的详细和丰富数据Millennium Cohort Study在2000年至2002年之间出生的近20,000名儿童的生命之后。在11岁时,该队列中只有14%的儿童说他们喝酒。当被问及他们的朋友是否喝酒时,有78%的孩子说“不”。







Predictably, those children who reported being happy at home were less likely to drink than those who reported frequent family battles.

Predictably, those children who reported being happy at home were less likely to drink than those who reported frequent family battles. Where there were low levels of parental supervision, combined with a dad who drank heavily, the risk of the 11-year-old child drinking was, again, higher.

孩子对酒精危害的看法似乎也是一个重要因素。孩子认为酒精越危险,喝酒的可能性就越小。没有看到喝酒是一项危险活动的孩子 - 也有一个妈妈喝酒的孩子,他们在11岁时喝酒的可能性更大。

It is not possible for our study to judge whether parents’ level of alcohol consumption actually causes their 11-year-old to start drinking, but our findings show us a strong association between 11-year-olds’ drinking and their friends’ and mothers’ behavior. Family relationships, perceptions of risk and expectations regarding alcohol are also important, as are some more general characteristics of the family unit such as socioeconomic circumstances.



