
今天发布的一种新补充剂BMC生态学着眼于公民科学如何帮助研究人员收集数据。在此博客中,补充罂粟湖人弗雷泽(Poppy Lakeman Fraser)的组织者更多地解释了公民科学的实际是什么以及研究人员如何依赖这种数据收集。


Matt Keyse an OPAL Community Scientist, regales a typical session with students taking part in the Bugs Count Survey in the蛋白石科学家博客。Taking part in real science is undoubtedly a means to bring learning to life but can it have lasting benefits for scientists and policy makers alike or is it just a glorified science communication tool?


他们探索什么公民科学现象包括,为什么人们选择犯下自己的宝贵数据收集时间, 什么样的科学可以生成以及与此多AIM相关的挑战可以解决学科

So what is this new movement that everyone is talking about?

有大量的定义和原则公民科学but boiled down to its essence, it largely does what it says on the tin: it is about citizens (i.e. non-expert voluntary members of the public) doing science (driven by professional scientists, policy makers or their own ideas).

虽然志愿者的数据收集已经发生了几个世纪(确实很早就达尔文测量了芬奇喙),但当代术语是从民主和意识提高的理想中出现的(见参见戴维斯et al。公民科学的发展)。


You can现在立即发送报告官方mon的病变灰树itoring, spend ten minutes squirrelling away on your computer working out the structure of proteinsin your body,,,,or improve the habitats in your local area andmonitor the impact全年传粉媒介。确实继续scistarter.comyou can even search for projects to do ‘in the car’ or ‘while fishing’.


学习和回馈的感觉经常被认为是想要参与的人们的重要驱动力。但是,这只是一些原因。最新论文埃弗里特et al.不仅探索人们想要参与的最初原因,还可以探索什么支持和阻止人们继续参与的原因。一个人喂养的人:

“I think OPAL goes into more depth which is good, and feels more ‘sciencey’ [sic] – new word. It’s got me interested in going a bit further with researching, rather than just plopping about in a field or puddle, nice as these activities are”


如果您在ISI知识网络上搜索公民科学整本书关于主题。Opal通过发表有关其发现的许多报告和论文,从而为这一新的文学领域做出了贡献。八项国家调查。Their latest papers inBMC生态学探索蛋白石生物多样性调查和蛋白石水调查的结果。

戈斯林et al.进行了对生物多样性调查数据的分析,发现城市树篱是野生动植物和与树篱相邻的硬表面的重要栖息地,对植物和无脊椎动物群落都有很大的影响。

玫瑰et al’s.analysis of the OPAL Water Survey – a national assessment of water quality and clarity in England, found that almost 30% of lakes fell in the highest quality group. The paper also stressed that one of the greatest challenges of using citizen science data is the reliability of data collected by amateurs.


公民科学不可避免地坐在外展与研究之间的界面上,面临着竞争目标,操作方法和产出的挑战。这里Lakeman-Fraseret al.探索其中的一些权衡,并建议操作解决方案来浏览这些泥泞的水域。


So, if this has intrigued you to find out how citizen science can change the world (or your world!) then head to the蛋白石网站- 他们刚刚开始了有关传粉媒介的新调查。

也许您是一名公民科学从业者,想向他人学习 - 为什么不加入British Ecological Society Citizen Science Special Interest Group或者欧洲公民科学协会(ECSA)。

在5月在柏林举行的ECSA国际会议激发后,(美国)公民科学协会和澳大利亚协会将于明年举办网络活动 - 随之而来!

