
BMC生物医学工程最近参加了2018 TERMIS World Congress, jointly held by the组织工程和再生医学国际学会和the日本再生医学学会, in Kyoto, Japan. This triennial meeting attracted more than 2,300 speakers and 2,000 delegates from 52 countries, including a wide range of industry and regulatory representatives. Below we offer a glimpse into the meeting’s highlights.

末日2018 took place during early September in the beautiful city of Kyoto, Japan, a place with a staggering collection of 1,600 temples, filled with UNESCO World Heritage sites and a history of more than 1,000 years.

会议随着台风的到来而开始Prof Yasuhiko TabataProf Yoshiki Sawa(also the President of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine) in an admirable effort, ensured that all of the sessions went ahead uninterrupted, in what resulted to be an outstanding venue for ideas exchange and productive debate around the field’s highest accomplishments.

A unified approach

This year’s theme was “Integration of Industry, Government, and Academia for Regenerative Medicine”. The theme echoed across the duration of the meeting, with academic, governmental and industry experts leading discussions across all aspects of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM).

第一天集中于Termex 2018,该活动旨在分享有关工业化,法规,市场见解,国际发展和其他周围问题的最新更新。我们很荣幸了解北美,欧洲和亚太地区公司面临的不同机会和挑战。

资料来源:©Sergey Nivens / Stock.adobe.com

一个脱颖而出的演讲是迈克尔·梅博士,首席执行官CCRM, a not-for-profit organization supporting companies to develop and commercialize cell and gene therapy technologies in Canada. He characterized regenerative medicine as the hottest area in biotech and one that has achieved elevated business activity through capital efficient collaborative models.

In Europe,迈克尔·本奈特博士, from弹射, a center helping cell and gene therapy organisations worldwide develop early stage research into commercial products, emphasized that therapies are extraordinarily expensive, with complex process controls and supply chains. Innovators need to seek advice early on to ensure that their products adhere to the highest standards.

Prof Anthony Weiss(University of Sydney), founder ofelastagen是一家澳大利亚公司,拥有基于弹性蛋白(人类组织的关键组成部分)的一系列产品,他对我们的老龄化人口如何创造了对皮肤和美学工程技术的新颖,有效且易于翻译的技术的需求。

Pushing the boundaries of science

The highly anticipated Presidential address by鲁伊教授(3B的研究小组,Minho大学无疑是会议的亮点之一。His talk radiated a tone of optimism for rapid future developments in the field, and presented some of his group’s pioneering work on natural origin materials, their approach in scaffold design and processing, as well as their design of a multi chamber bioreactor for 3D hierarchical cell cultures, a device that has already resulted in a spin-out company.

The synergistic nature of the field is evident in the work ofAntonios Mikos教授(莱斯大学)。他关于“颅面组织再生的体内生物反应器”的演讲展示了与Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine(AFIRM)旨在加速再生医学解决方案以治疗战场伤害。


The scientific sessions were varied and impressive and unfortunately it is impossible to mention all of the ones that stood out. However, we were honored to attend a session chaired by our very ownBMC生物医学工程Editors,Prof Dimitrios Zeugolis(NUI Galway) andProf Manuela Gomes(University of Minho). In particular, the session’s keynote talk byProf Dietmar Hutmacher(昆士兰州技术大学)关于“ TE和RM疗法的临床翻译和商业化的动物模型 - 神话与现实”并没有给人留下深刻的印象,因为他描述了他小组在临床翻译的关键主题上的一些方法。

尽管有一系列工业困难(流程复杂性,高成本,严格的监管勤奋等)在将其研究和新技术转移到诊所方面面临的术语,但人们需要承认,这是一个有目的和紧密联系的社区recognized some of the field’s grand challenges and now unifies to pursue them. We very much look forward to future developments at TERMIS 2021 and the progress towards the field’s common goal, the improvement of human health.

金博宝网站Springer Nature @ termis 2018

到目前为止,会议上最突出的学术资源甚至在总统讲话中获得了荣誉提及,是Prof Heinz Redl’s new book on ‘3D Printing and Biofabrication', 由...出版施普林格,这是一系列15本书的一部分Tissue Engineering and Regeneration’。我们的社论顾问,Prof Michael Raghunath(苏黎世应用科学大学),撰写了有关组织工程大分子拥挤的出色章节。

Prof Heinz Redl is the current Chair for末日-Europe,主任路德维希鲍尔茨曼实验与临床创伤学院,创始人创伤护理咨询和a collaborator of numerous major industrial partners. We were privileged to host this book at the Springer Nature booth and speak with countless academics and industry representatives, who were interested to learn more about it. We will soon be publishing an exclusive interview with Prof Redl and discuss future developments in the field, his work at TERMIS, his recent book and more!

Last, but certainly not least, this year’s TERMIS World Congress featured a highly anticipated session by the Chief Editor forNature Biomedical Engineering,Pep Pamies博士, on ‘The Diversifying Nature of Impact’. The talk dissected impact factor and challenged its historical use in the assessment of researchers and articles. He suggested data-driven alternative metrics, including qualitative measures and provided a more holistic view for the nature of impact. This is a true testament to the ethos of the journal and its pioneering work beyond citations and towards the便利真正的开创性研究。有兴趣的读者可以指他最近的editorial关于主题。

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