Highlights of the BMC series: September 2018

•具有家庭暴力和虐待经验的妇女中使用紧急避孕方法:系统评价•AgriseQDB:用于农业相关植物物种功能研究的在线RNA-Seq数据库•开发用于保存人类肌细胞细胞片的玻璃化方法,以用于肌细胞的重生。治疗•自由移动的清醒大鼠中运动皮质区域的经颅焦特超声刺激•语言中的进化:环境差异有助于方言群体的分歧•“我不会停止访问!”一项针对社区卫生工作者不愿撤回津巴布韦干预后撤回家庭支持的定性研究•微生物网络(WOM):一个策划的微生物外化代谢组学数据库,用于连接化学和微生物•Termis 2018



Women who are subjected to domestic violence and abuse (DVA) are at a higher risk of unintended pregnancies and abortions, especially those women submitted to reproductive coercion by their male partners. The WHO and NICE guidelines for professional health care providers recommend that women who present clinical associations of DVA are asked about safety in their relationship and at home. This systematic review by Lewiset al.published inBMC Women’s Healthevaluates the association between exposure to DVA and emergency conception.

The systematic review includes 6 studies that involved 15,297 women in total. Four of these studies provided evidence of an association between use of emergency contraception and DVA. Especially younger women from high- and middle- income countries exposed to DVA are more likely to use emergency contraception compared to other women.

The researchers suggest that a request for emergency contraception can be an indicator of DVA. They recommend that each emergency contraception consultation should be used to inquire about safety in relationships and at home, and that primary providers of emergency contraception should provide a display of information on DVA and local DVA services.

BMC植物生物学:AgriSeqDB: an online RNA-Seq database for functional studies of agriculturally relevant plant species


RNA-sequencing is a popular technology for genome-wide transcriptional profiling. However, RNA-sequencing data is typically deposited in text and/or table-based files that are difficult to analyse and visualize for researchers who lack extensive computational expertise. TheArgiSeqDB tooldeveloped by Robinson等,presents user-friendly public portal that allows access, analysis, and visualization of tissue- and cell-specific transcriptome data-sets from multiple agricultural crops.

BMC Plant BiologyAgriSeqDB is described as an important data-reuse tool for plant biologists, as it allows the user to visualize and compare transcript expression across different samples. The database currently contains RNA-sequencing results from different tissues and cell-types, and future developments will include transcriptome data from single-cell RNA-Seq. All source code is freely available for reuse by advanced users.

BMC Biotechnology:开发用于保存人体肌细胞细胞表的玻璃化方法用于心肌再生疗法

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Clinical studies have demonstrated that regenerative therapy of weakened heart muscle using skeletal myoblast sheets can be an effective therapy for people suffering from ischemic cardiomyopathy. However, the application of this therapy has been limited due to the requirement of in-hospital cell processing centers and the time-consuming process of preparing cell constructs. In a study published byBMC Biotechnology,ohkawaraet al。请描述一种允许保存成肌细胞细胞表的方法的开发,以便对实施疗法进行广泛的应用和工业化。

The researchers have found that vitrification, a process in which cells are exposed to a high concentration of cryoprotectant followed by extremely fast cooling in liquid nitrogen, is an effective method for the preservation of the myoblast cell sheets for up to 3 months. Although the cell viability was lower in the vitrification group compared to the fresh group, the improvement in cardiac function and angiogenesis was highly similar in both groups, suggesting that cell sheets maintain angiogenic function after vitrification.

BMC神经科学:Trans-cranial focused ultrasound stimulation of motor cortical areas in freely-moving awake rats


Brain stimulation techniques have contributed to our current understanding of neural and neurological function, and they have offered non-pharmacological options for the treatment of neurological disorders and neuropsychiatry. One of these brain stimulation techniques, trans-cranial focused ultrasound (tFUS), is a non-invasive technique for the focal delivery of mechanical pressure waves. These pressure waves can reach deep brain areas as well as cortical areas with high spatial selectivity.

在a paper recently published inBMC Neuroscience,,,,Leeet al描述一个工具,允许tFUS被应用to un-anesthetized, freely moving small animals, using wearable tFUS headgear. The ability to apply tFUS to un-anesthetized animals provides opportunities for investigations into neurological activities that cannot be investigated in anesthetized animals, such as socio-behavioral activities and epilepsy.

BMC进化生物学Evolution within a language: environmental differences contribute to divergence of dialect groups

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When counting separate dialects, more than 7000 languages exist worldwide. Although factors that contribute to the spatial segregation of the speaker populations have been suggested, the relative contribution of each factor to language diversion has not been quantified. In a study recently published byBMC进化生物学,,,,Honkolaet al。,,,,describe the early stages of dialect divergence, with a special focus on ecological settings.

Although geographical distances separating speaker populations contribute to the divergence of dialects, the current study indicates that mere differences in environmental conditions and related adaptive processes have a larger role in divergence of dialect groups than geographical distance even within area of modest environmental variation.

BMC Health Services Research:“我不会停止访问!”一项针对社区卫生工作者不愿在基于社区干预结束后撤回家庭支持的定性研究

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Community health worker (CHW) programs play an important role in the HIV service delivery in middle- and low-income countries. However, poor remuneration, lack of career opportunities and concerns of exploitation of CHWs are a growing concern. In addition, little attention has been devoted to the effects of the withdrawal or exits of CHWs from clients and families following the end of a fixed-term intervention, or the end of a research study. In a study recently published inBMC Health Services Research,,,,Buszaet al。,,,,examine the experiences of CHWs following withdrawal from clients and families.


BMC微生物学:Web of microbes (WoM): a curated microbial exometabolomics database for linking chemistry and microbes

Kosina et al. (2018) Web of Microbes (WoM): a curated microbial exometabolomics database for linking chemistry and microbes. BMC Microbiology, 18(115).
Figure 3 taken from: Kosina et al. (2018) Web of Microbes (WoM): a curated microbial exometabolomics database for linking chemistry and microbes. BMC Microbiology, 18(115).

质谱技术的进步加速了代谢研究。尽管有各种代谢数据库的数据存储库,但目前尚无数据存储库可用于外化代谢组学研究。BMC微生物学上发表的最新论文描述了微生物网络((WoM) database, developed by Kosinaet al.这款基于Web的数据可视化工具和基于质谱的基因代谢组学研究的数据存储库可实现微生物,代谢物和环境的联系。


本月早些时候BMC Biomedical Engineering编辑Alexandros Houssein参加了在日本京都举行的2018年Termis 2018会议。今年的主题是“行业,政府和再生医学学术界的整合”。有关此会议的更多信息,请阅读Alexandros的博客here

