Ancient and historical leopard DNA in the spot-light

Understanding the geographic origins of leopard populations is a complex task. The evolutionary patterns that can be inferred from molecular data lack congruence with existing fossil evidence.发表在BMC进化生物学studies historical mitochondrial DNA samples to provide new insights into the evolutionary history of both ancient and modern leopard populations. Here, Dr. Johanna Paijmans describes the research performed by herself and colleagues.


豹(Panthera pardus)是大型的标志性掠食者,目前分布在非洲和亚洲的大部分地区。据信亚洲人口是从非洲豹子中延续出来的,该豹子是在非洲裔散布事件中(与人类历史一样)的。

Based onfossil remains,我们知道大部分更新世的豹子也出现在欧洲,但是这些欧洲豹子在最后一个冰川时期(约25,000年前)灭绝了一段时间。但是,目前尚不清楚灭绝的欧洲豹子与今天在非洲和亚洲的豹子有关。



Biogeography involves the study of geographic distribution of lineages, and tries to infer the past processes that could have led to the observed patterns. For example, leopards lived in Europe until the end of the last glacial period, and the DNA from these extinct populations can tell us something about their origin, and how they are related to the leopards that live today.






我们使用fossil-calibrated genetic methods to estimate the timing of the leopard out-of-Africa dispersal, and our results suggest it occurred between 710-483 thousand years ago. The genetic data for leopards also suggests that the out-of-Africa dispersal happened in a single event, rather than multiple, repeated events.

The timing of this event does not directly correlate with the dispersal of the earliest Hominids (直立,大约200万年前)或最早的解剖学现代人类(H. Sapiens,approx. 100 thousand years ago), so it is likely that different processes drove the out-of-Africa dispersal events for each species.


Photograph taken by Karla Fritze, University of Potsdam, Germany

One of our leopard samples was reported to originate from Java, where leopards are assigned to a separate subspecies (the Javan leopardPanthera pardus melas)。Previous studiesfound that DNA from Javan leopards was distinct from all mainland Asian leopards, suggesting that this population has been isolated in South East Asia for a long time. However, we found that the Javan leopard museum specimen is closely related to the Indochinese leopard, suggesting instead that there may have been a more recent genetic exchange between mainland and Javan leopards.

Although, of course, the results from a single sample should be treated with caution, they do urge for more detailed investigations of the Javan leopard and its relationship to the mainland populations.


We investigated mitochondrial DNA, which is only a small part of the genome and is only inherited through the female line. Thus, it only reveals a part of the evolutionary history of a species, and there can be multiple scenarios that lead to similar genetic patterns, making them difficult to distinguish. The unexpected result for the Javan leopard is a good example of the challenges associated with the formulation of conservation strategies.

目前,Javan Leopard的保护工作是基于其作为独特亚种的分类学地位。我们的结果可能表明,大陆和爪哇之间的基因流量比以前认为的,这可能对豹种群管理产生影响。


