
最近发表的研究BMC公共卫生found that rather than having health concerns, middle-aged drinkers who consume low-levels of alcohol, place more importance on their drinking behaviors conforming to socially acceptable narratives of their age, gender and identity. Here to talk about the research and what the findings mean for health messages directed at this demographic is lead author, Emma Muhlack.


Alcohol is ubiquitous in many western countries, and most people who consume alcohol don’t have a “drinking problem” as we usually think of it – they drink socially and it has very little to no negative impact on their daily life. They have something to celebrate? Champagne. Work’s finished for the day? Beers at the pub, or wine at the bar down the street. A hard day of yard work in summer? A cold beer hits the spot. Out to dinner with friends? A social glass (or two) of wine.

但是,仅仅因为您没有饮酒问题,这并不意味着您的饮酒就不会导致您的问题。研究越来越多地表明even drinking alcohol at very low levels can have adverse effects on your health,最近的研究表明根本没有酒精可能是最安全的政策



毫不奇怪,事实证明,对人们没有饮酒问题的研究有限。不过,我们确实发现了一些非常有趣的事情。When people are choosing to drink, they do so to relax (which most of us would probably already suspect), but also that when they choose what and how to drink, they’re doing so in ways that are influenced by, and reinforce, their identities (such as workers and parents) and their expressions of gender.

我们的研究没有告诉我们的东西也很有趣。当他们谈论他们如何喝酒或围绕饮酒做出决定时,健康对这一小组并不重要。对他们而言,他们正在喝“正确”的方式对他们来说更为重要 - 他们的饮酒符合对性别和身份的社会可接受的叙事。

How could we reduce drinking in this group?


This is one of the reasons we did this research: if we为了定位这些饮酒者,什么样的事情可以说明他们的经历?我们现在知道,不可接受的饮酒行为是可能影响该群体的事情之一。



There are some things that might work that are problematic though. For example, telling women to drink less because it’s a bad look, while a possibly effective way to tap into the gendered constructs around drinking, is a problem because it reinforces the idea of social inequality between the sexes.





Until recently, there was a reported J curve when alcohol consumption was discussed. Those with moderate consumption had increased longevity when compared to non-drinkers and heavy drinkers. The need for intervention may be overly stated, at this tme, as there is a variety of reasons to not consume alcohol, from religious, family history, addiction, etc.
