Monthly Archives:July 2020

Why do so many women find it challenging to stay in postpartum HIV care?

Although ongoing HIV care during and after pregnancy is important for the health of women and their children, many women who attend HIV care during pregnancy do not continue after giving birth. This has led to challenges in decreasing the rate of mother-to-child transmission in countries where it is high, such as Ghana. In this blog post, one of the authors of anew studyinBMC Pregnancy and Childbirthdiscusses the barriers women face to continuing HIV care in the postpartum period.


A balancing act: gender and welfare regimes in the association between work-life conflict and poor health


Our health and wellbeing can suffer when we struggle to balance the demands of work with our busy personal and social lives. Various factors may influence the association between work-life conflict and poor health, including our gender and the level of social welfare provided by the state. Astudypublished today inBMC Public Healthevaluates gender differences in the link between work-life balance and self-reported health across European welfare regimes. In this blog, we take a look at some of its key findings.


Let’s Take a Look at Your Kidneys

Kidney blog

In a recent BMC Nephrology, an article by Li et al. examines using 3-D ultrasound and contrast-enhanced ultrasound to diagnose diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is the most common complication of diabetes, so in our next BMC Nephrology blog, Blog Editor Dr. Daphne Knicely will discuss how these technologies could be game-changers in the care of diabetic patients.


“Want a Drink? Go on, you know you want to.” – Peer pressure to drink alcohol among UK adults


With pubs reopening in England this last weekend after a three-month lockdown, people have rushed to town centers for their social night out. Feeling pressured to have that drink? Astudypublished today inBMC Public Healthsummarizes insights into peer pressure among adults in the UK based on a review of existing qualitative research. In this blog one of the study authors, Dr Stephen Dombrowski, presents five key lessons from the study.


Call for Papers! BMC Oral Health Collection: Something in the Water – Fluoridation and Caries


Water fluoridation is a measure to prevent caries, a disease of significant public health importance. Caries, when not managed, result in pain and discomfort for individuals and have further implications for the health and well-being of the affected individual, such as retarded growth and development of pre-school children. The huge cost of managing caries has…Read more »
