The 'Process Map': guiding scientific collaboration

“the substantive findings of science are a product of social collaboration and are assigned to the community…The scientist’s claim to ‘his’ intellectual ‘property’ is limited to that of recognition and esteem…” proclaimed the American historian and socialist Robert K. Merton in 1942. He believed science to be a ‘communist activity’ and an institution where researchers share their work with their community for the common good.



不幸的是,竞争力是科学中固有的本质。科学家将对有限的资金和赠款进行激烈的战斗。全球卫生网络总监Trudie Lang博士从自己的研究经验中承认了这一点,并且存在着“the selfish scientist’。在已经越来越以业务为导向的企业中,自私只是行为默认。累积专业尊重的压倒性愿望意味着科学家不愿意分享他们的工作winner- takes- it- all approach,因此人们因出版同龄人的首次赢得赞誉并提高声誉而获得认可。

特鲁迪·朗(Trudie Lang)博士解释说:“在非洲,研究发生在孤岛中,他们也没有利用数字共享。”态度必须/正在改变,因为范式移动已经开始运动。去年夏天,全球健康网络推出了'过程图”,一种开放访问研究工具,旨在提高低收入和中等收入国家的全球健康研究标准。第一个数字工具包是国际上可用的在线资源,该资源为运行健康研究提供了分步指南。交互式格式可以自由使用世界上任何地方,并提供电子学习,问题和答案,专家指导,链接和工具。




To find out how to complete a step, just click on a step and read the expert guidance. Simple. There are also relevant courses and articles to further one’s understanding. It is easy to add your own comments too.

开放访问是这种概念可以运行的完美和唯一的平台。肯尼亚Kemri-Wellcome Trust的实验室经理Ken Awundo解释说:“缺乏研究是最艰巨的挑战之一。”他对这个独特的工具感到欣喜若狂。他惊呼道:“它使我们团结在一起。”他对它如何改变研究方式,并且更喜欢共享通常的孤立职业道德。

网络和连接的重要性与Egeruan Babatune Imoukhuede博士共鸣,他努力确保合作伙伴关系并寻求支持。他很高兴能够知道研究人员之间建立全球合作伙伴关系,因为“过程图”可以帮助研究人员在低资源环境中以及有更多支持的人相互学习。

Dr Oluwagbenga Ogunfowokan, a family physician in Nigeria and WHO Clinical Research and Development fellow said “It’s like a one-stop-shop. Everything you need to conduct research is there.” He has used it to organize a workshop to bring together 71 researchers.

The ‘Process Map’, based on the underlying foundation of big data and data sharing, could revolutionize the current research process. It is an elegant solution that should prove successful in today’s world, one that is steadily progressing towards sharing and openness.

