
A recently published主题系列on Universal Health Coverage inJournal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice提出了一个不同的,潜在的创新框架,用于考虑卫生系统中的药物。客座博客作者Maryam BigdeliAlliance for Health Policy and Systems Research由世界卫生组织主持,告诉我们更多。


Universal Health Coverage(UHC)是一个范式,在该范式下,可以进行特定于上下文的改革以改善获得卫生服务和患者健康结果的机会。UHC改革提供了使用一套可以改善药物使用的政策工具的机会[1],进而,药品政策可以为UHC提供更强大的基础。




Unfortunately, current published research on medicines has essentially focused on quantification of availability, price or affordability; on appropriate use and its determinants; or on impacts of policies and interventions. It has seldom explored the interplay of context, actors and processes in the formulation and implementation of pharmaceutical policies in complex and fast changing health systems.

It has also been noted that the health policy and system researchers have overlooked the importance of medicines in health systems: in contrast to numerous research articles in the area of access to medicines, there are only few studies that adopt a health systems approach to the field.




By people, we don’t mean only patients, but all health system actors: it is through people’s converging and competing interests, their economic and political power, and their evolving relationships in a given context that medicines realize their so-called “social efficacy” [2].

Pharmaceutical systems, as any subsystems of health, are social institutions, operating through actors and chains of reactions between them [3,4]. Acknowledging this in research, policy formulation and implementation will move the field of essential medicines into the 21英石century.



Sustainable Development Goals,尤其是目标3.8 -“实现普遍的健康覆盖范围,包括财务风险保护,获得优质基本的医疗保健服务以及所有人获得安全,有效,质量和负担得起的必需药物和疫苗的机会”,,,,offer the framework for a health system reform in which medicines play their due role.


  1. Faden, L., Vialle-valentin, C., Ross-degnan, D., & Wagner, A. (2011). Active pharmaceutical management strategies of health insurance systems to improve cost-effective use of medicines in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review of current evidence.Health Policy,,,,100,,,,134–143. [PubMed这是给予的
  2. van der Geest. (2006). Anthropology and the pharmaceutical nexis.Anthropology quarterly。Vol 79 (2): 303-314
  3. Shiekh K.,Ranson M.K.,Gilson L.(2014)。卫生系统中以人为中心的探索。Health Policy and Planning29:ii1-II5 [PubMed Central这是给予的
  4. Sheikh,K.,George,A。和Gilson,L。(2014)。以人为中心的科学:加强卫生政策和系统研究的实践。Health Research Policy and Systems 12(1),19。PubMed] [Full text这是给予的




I recently did a health policy brief on value-based pricing (VBP) in medicines within a UHC system. As with any health policy there were advantages and disadvantages I found, yet in comparison I found the advantages to have a people centered outcome. Does anyone else have any thoughts on VBP and how it would work in a UHC country?
