
血吸虫病动力学,水资源开发和经济发展是强烈的相互关联。Dr. Rinaldo and his colleagues通过对农业生产负担研究血吸虫病的经济影响,探索并发效应和联合动力学,并发表了他们的文章贫困的传染病.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it has become painfully evident how vulnerable economic systems can be to widespread and persistent diseases.


Simultaneously, however, agricultural development facilitated by the construction of large-scale irrigation schemes foster the propagation of schistosomiasis, a water-based debilitating parasitic disease that affects an estimated 250 million people, more than 85% of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa. The parasite species that cause the two main forms of schistosomiasis in Africa are血吸虫曼逊(引起肠道血吸虫病)和血吸虫haematobium(causing urogenital schistosomiasis).



符合疾病的衰弱性质,我们确定了疾病的经济负担,这是一种不直接影响生产所需的劳动力或物理投入量(例如种子和机械),而是减少其有效性。换句话说,慢性血吸虫病导致农民成为较少to farm efficiently: this generates a spiral of deleterious effects that can have potentially dramatic consequences, particularly in countries such as Burkina Faso where agriculture is mostly of the subsistence type.


地理因素在其中发挥了关键作用,因为这增加我n yield loss due to schistosomiasis is contained within a radius of 20-30km from the dams, and villages located at a further distance from the dams suffer a reduced burden. The consequences from the standpoint of inequality are substantial: these large water infrastructures are in majority built for hydroelectrical purposes and geared towards urban electrification. This means that those who live in the areas adjacent to the dams suffer the most deleterious consequences in terms of disease burden, whilst reaping only a small part of their benefits. Fortunately, our results are not entirely bleak. Smaller-scale water infrastructures, which are equally fundamental measures of poverty control, especially in the poorest parts of the sub-Saharan region, do not seem to amplify the economic burden of schistosomiasis, and hence should be incentivized and strengthened.

Original images taken by the author
Summary of the mechanisms that we study in the paper: the effect of schistosomiasis on agriculture (1), estimated with the spatial densities of the snail species that act as intermediate hosts for the Schistosoma (2). We then estimate the feedback effects on the disease burden generated by poverty (3) and water resources development (4)

We obtain our results by exploiting recent developments in disease mapping. We obtain high-resolution schistosomiasis prevalence maps via Bayesian geostatistical methods, which have been used in a variety of public health contexts but have not yet been paired with survey data on households and agricultural production. Because of the complexity of the dynamics of schistosomiasis and its interlinkages with such a large set of socioeconomic and environmental factors, we implement a novel mix of methods. We use the spatial density of the snail intermediate host of the血吸虫寄生虫建立因果关系,并用机器学习和空间技术细化分析。

Our study illustrates the potential benefits of combining epidemiological and economic methods in the analysis of the human cost of endemic diseases. Our approach is “data-hungry”, especially in the study of the impact of endemic diseases at a household level, which can represent a hurdle for wider application. Yet, recent methodological and technological advances increasingly allow researchers to access a wealth of information which was until recently unthinkable. Conditional on this, our approach can be applied to any other country in which schistosomiasis is endemic and indeed, to the economic impact of many other diseases.

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