
这个博客(首次发布惠康信任博客创意共享CC by 4.0许可证)向劳拉·罗德里格斯(Laura Rodrigues)询问她研究巴西寨卡病毒影响的母亲和婴儿的角色。

图片来源:Posto deSaúdeda Ilha do maruim
图片来源:Posto deSaúdeda Ilha do maruim


I’m in the city of Recife, on the eastern tip of Brazil. It’s the capital of Pernambuco, the state at the centre of the Zika epidemic.

Was anyone prepared for this?

Not at all – it came as a surprise to the world! Across Pernambuco, there used to be nine cases of microcephaly a year. Since the beginning of August 2015, more than 1,400 suspected cases have been notified.

和Zika病毒可能会重新开始——季节rainy season brings water, and the mosquitoes lay their eggs in any little bit of water they can find…


We’ve got three studies underway. The first is examining the causes of microcephaly – the strongest hypothesis is Zika infection, but we need to be completely sure.







在第三项研究中,我们希望跟踪婴儿的发育延迟 - 查看诸如他们是否有抽搐以及如何互动或进行眼神交流之类的事情。


I’m the lead for collaborations with Brazil at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. I’m Brazilian myself: I trained here, went to London for postgraduate studies and remained here for the rest of my career.

When the epidemic started, the government asked a group of epidemiologists in Pernambuco to think about research projects. They called me, I talked to them, and the Brazilian Ministry of Health invited me to come. The government gave us enough money for one of the studies, and we’re raising money for the others.

Who are you working with?

我们的小组位于基金会奥斯瓦尔多·克鲁兹(Oswaldo Cruz)的本地分支机构,该公司是由政府资助的大型研究所。他们给了我们他们的董事会,如果有会议,我们必须撤离。




我认为关键是找出人们何时最容易受到寨卡病毒的影响,以及哪些婴儿受到影响。If it turns out that 90% of women who get infected with Zika at a particular critical stage of pregnancy have an affected baby, as happens with rubella, then there’s good reason to start thinking about a treatment as well as a vaccine – or maybe the option for women to have access to a legal termination. The other aspect in those decisions is how severe the children’s disabilities are going to be.


当我在11月第一次这里时,在瘟疫期间感觉有点像欧洲 - 这种新的健康趋势非常可怕,人们并不真正知道是什么原因造成的。政府在那里获得了一项很好的工作,但是人们非常担心。

The families are very worried. The state has set up centres for pregnant women to self-report for investigation and notification: over 1,000 presented in the last two months. But there is no treatment, abortions are illegal in Brazil, so once a person is pregnant and infected, there’s nothing that can be done.


