
Early photos and drawings of Pacific peoples show a lean, active, and healthy population that thrived in a challenging and isolated environment. How then did the Pacific Islands become one of the most intransigent diabetes hot zones on the planet?


岛屿经常在非爱国者的思想中想到田园诗社区的概念 - 从土地和海洋中维持,支持与环境结合的健康生活。实际上,地球上的任何地方都没有比岛屿国家更明显的糖尿病负担。例如,太平洋岛国国家通过糖尿病患病率在国家排名中排名前10名中的9号国家(见下图)。


Pacific cultures have ancient histories of extreme exploration and migration across vast expanses of ocean, strong values on traditional forms of recreation and sustenance that prioritized working physically with sea and mountains, with banquets of locally-grown foods high in micronutrients and energy, like reef fish, breadfruit, taro, and coconut.

Early photos and drawings of Pacific peoples show a lean, active, and healthy population that thrived in a challenging and isolated environment. How then did the Pacific Islands become one of the most intransigent diabetes hot zones on the planet?

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根据我在整个太平洋和加勒比海地区工作的经验,几种常见的疾病似乎与不同的糖尿病生成环境的出现有关,这可能与较富裕,较大的国家 /地区的糖尿病生成环境有所不同。



Over time, agriculture and commerce in colonized island communities shifted to serve the needs of the colonizing nation, replacing local practices and products, like eliminating traditionally-maintained taro patches with cash-cropped rice fields.

Frequently, colonizing nations dominate local markets, shifting to cash economies, with products derived in or otherwise benefiting the colonizer. Hence, we have long-established local markets in many Pacific Island communities for products like SPAM, tinned meats and fish, soft drinks, candy, and ramen noodles.



This historical disruption of local systems in fragile isolated environments leaves inequitable, frequently dysfunctional and typically not sustainable local economies intricately connected to globalized ones.


Another paradox as a result of these processes is that some in island communities view traditional foods as old-fashioned, not desirable, and associated with poor financial status. Packaged and prepared foods are often more desirable socially, their consumption sometimes perceived as indicating progress and wealth for a family.







Something has to change, and that change needs to start with and engage those most directly affected: local communities. People need access to affordable foods, recreational opportunities, and programs to help them prevent disease. Researchers need to help identify what works best in local circumstances, and health systems need to be innovative in providing care that communities can access. These processes are not easy and occur in a complex web of globalization.


I am heartened to see strong, locally-generated movements to restore traditional sport, cultural events, and local foods in island communities, such as those found throughout the Pacific.




我认为,更直接,紧急和关键的是,在某些太平洋岛国国家中,有时五分之一到四分之一,有时甚至更多的成年人口患有糖尿病。这一事实威胁着岛屿人口现在,造成不必要的痛苦和死亡现在,,,,和puts nations at risk for an unsustainable future现在


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Kishore Pariyar


David Herdrich

A well written article and important article, though I am puzzled by the swipe the author takes at addressing Climate Change. He mentions that the ocean is enveloping the islands, isn’t that, like diabetes, happening now? Isn’t coral bleaching happening now? Isn’t ocean acidification happening now? Should we really wait until the problems are much worse and irreversible? That’s what we seem to have done with diabetes. Do we have to wait until 50% of the island land masses are underwater? I don’t think see why we can’t address these problems at the same time. In fact, we must! Because if we only address diabetes at the expense of addressing Climate Change there will be no sustainable reefs to catch fish from for a healthy diet. The problems are interlinked; it’s an ecosystem of dependency relationships. People’s health depends on a healthy reef and Climate Changes is having a negative impact. And the more people want to eat healthy local fish the more they will want to protect the reefs from Climate Change. The problems are not somehow in competition with each other. I think we are intelligent enough to address two serious problems at the same time. And living here in American Samoa I do see hopeful signs of a buy local movement including local produce and local fish at restaurants and stores. In addition, more and more people are exercising and new gyms opening up to accommodate the demand. And sporting events like our local fautasi boat races have a record number of entrants. Still, I agree, much more needs to be done.

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