卢森堡卫生局的帕特里克·霍夫曼(Patrick Hoffmann

这是我对卢森堡卫生局健康检查员帕特里克·霍夫曼(Patrick Hoffmann)的采访,也是HA反应联合行动的合伙人。

卢森堡卫生部HA-REACT合伙人兼健康检查员Patrick Hoffmann
卢森堡卫生部HA-REACT合伙人兼健康检查员Patrick Hoffmann

What influenced your decision to become involved with the newly formedJoint Action on HIV and Co-Infection Prevention and Harm Reduction((HA-REACT)?


您如何在特定的工作包中看到自己的角色,”减少伤害and continuity of care in prisons”?


My home country of Luxembourg, for example, is a good example of practices in this field because of their dedication to harm reduction in the prison system. In the Joint Action I want to specifically highlight the barriers we faced in our country and share how we overcame them over time. This is because, in my experience, these problems tend to be similar, or at least comparable, in most countries. Sharing experiences in this way has already begun with many different activities. An upcoming two-day workshop for key stakeholders in the field will be held in June 2017 in Luxembourg on needle and syringe programs (NSPs) in prison settings.

hoffman1From your perspective, why focus on HIV, TB and viral hepatitis in Europe?

We can only eliminate or stop the spread of these diseases if we work together with the same evidence based measures

囚犯是th的高危人群ese diseases. Prevalence within prisons is much higher than in the general population and transmission from prisoner to prisoner is rampant. Treating people in prisons is a good opportunity for micro-elimination and control of these infectious diseases and is an important public health measure as new infections can be prevented. We can only eliminate or stop the spread of these diseases if we work together with the same evidence-based measures; therefore a great deal of conviction is needed from stakeholders.

What can we expect as a result of your HA-REACT work?

A comprehensive summary of good practices (e-learning tools, booklets, etc.) will be available for public use and will be a useful advocacy tool. Exchanges with experts are facilitated for stakeholders and helps influence a change of mindset as a result of the range of parallel experiences and data presented. The end goal is, of course, a reduction (eventually elimination) of these three diseases and with enough collaboration this is an achievable target.

What does the project hope to achieve over the next 3 years?

If we can achieve a broad change in outlook in the approach to stigmatized populations, the repercussions can only be positive

Over the remaining two years the project hopes to impact the spread of these diseases as we continue down the path to elimination.

事实上,如果我们能够在污名化种群的方法中实现广泛的前景变化,那么影响只能是积极的。即使财务和其他障碍仍然存在,新的HCV治疗方法(直接作用抗病毒药)可以帮助我们治疗和治愈更多的高风险群体。HIV治疗应在诊断出患者后尽快开始,以中断感染的传播,尤其是来自高危人群的传播。这些干预措施应该HA-REACT-betterhappen in prisons as well as outside of them.




