
怎么办health systems contribute to gender equity? New研究published in全球化与健康检查了四个冲突后国家,发现医疗保健系统是性别盲目的,进而加强了文化性别不平等。首席作家瓦莱丽·珀西瓦尔(Valerie Percival)在这里谈到了这项复杂研究提出的发现和无数问题。

The evidence is clear and unequivocal: societies with higher levels of gender equality are safer and more prosperous. Better places for everyone to live.

但卫生部门扮演什么角色在promotion of such equality? Do health systems help or hinder progress? And what is the responsibility of the health system to support gender equality and social justice?


Such research is inherently challenging. What are we trying to explain? Is our outcome of interest – our dependent variable – gendered variation in health outcomes, the effectiveness of the health system, or both? In many low and middle-income countries, little data exists for either measure.

我们如何处理这项研究?社会上的性别不平等明显影响健康结果。卫生系统在解决不平等与卫生之间的联系中有什么作用?卫生系统是社会机构,嵌入其本地环境中。怎么办gender normsmanifest themselves, and how we measure gender equity within health systems themselves? And can we distinguish weak and under-resourced systems from gender inequitable ones?

Assessing gender equity

To navigate these challenges, in our paper性别盲we built on earlier研究和adopted a benchmarking approach, which identified the attributes of a gender equitable health system. We then established benchmarks for each of the WHO health system building blocks to assess if these health systems were gender equitable.

Through an iterative review of peer reviewed research, grey literature, and available health data, we analyzed health systems in four post-conflict contexts – Mozambique, Timor-Leste, Northern Uganda, and Sierra Leone – against those benchmarks.




Our research convincingly demonstrated that health system engagement is gender blind. Once policy makers implement programming in the area of maternal health and sexual violence programs, they check the ‘gender’ box. Health researchers and policy makers reflect little on gender dynamics within the health system because they regard health systems as technical institutions.

But health systems are embedded in and shaped by their socialcontext。它们反映了社会内部的不平等和权力关系。他们可以抵抗更广泛的努力来促进性别平等。

The bricks and mortar of health systems

We build on health systems研究,使用“砖和砂浆”类比。卫生系统的参与通常关注卫生系统的“砖”(正如WHO Building Block命名法清楚的那样)。改善砖块对于性别公平的卫生系统至关重要:他们需要熟练的人员,融资,有效提供服务以及获得药品。

But social institutions like health care are held together by the interaction between people and systems that are shaped by social norms such as gender. In many settings, women and girls are viewed as objects to dominate, limiting their life chances. The same beliefs shape the behavior of men and boys. Gender norms can be harmful for everyone and they are part of the mortar that holds together the bricks of the health system.

For health systems to ensure sustained improvement in health outcomes, our evidence suggests that it is the responsibility of health systems to confront gender and the cultural context of gender norms.

Throughout their life span, individuals interface with the health sector more than any other social institution. Health workers are respected members of the community who are accustomed to having difficult conversations about health determinants. They understand the social and cultural dynamics of their communities and confront on a daily basis the health impacts of gender norms.

But more research is clearly needed onhowhealth systems can best support gender equity. We know that societies with higher levels of gender equality are more peaceful and prosperous. But we know less about how gender inequitable societies transform into more equitable ones or the potential role of the health system and health workers in that process.


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