睡眠,休息和玩耍 - 活动,久坐和睡眠行为杂志发表了其第一篇文章

Wellbeing is an important part of all our lives. Inspired by the two important pillars of wellbeing: physical activity and sleep,Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviors本周推出。


We are celebrating the first articles being published in theJournal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviors (JASSB)! Why are you excited to be Editor-in-Chief of this new journal?

首先,对于任何研究人员来说,都是科学杂志的主编,这是一种荣幸。但是,更重要的是,我对新杂志带来的机会促进了使用24小时范式来研究体育活动,久坐行为和睡眠的科学的机会感到兴奋。如果我们真的想了解这些行为的相关性和健康影响,并设计旨在改善这些行为的有效干预措施,那么应该一起研究它们 - 因为它们互相竞争。

The new journal will provide a strong and dedicated platform for this important area of research, and I’m convinced it will help to make a difference. I’m also excited because starting a new journal is a challenge; it’s much harder than taking over the reins of an established and successful journal, but I always like a good challenge. Because of how the academic world operates, there are incentives to publish in established journals rather than new journals. I’m convinced these barriers will be overcome, though it may take some time. ThatJASSB由BMC(S​​pringer Nature的一部分)等知名出版商出版,这意味着该期刊掌握了良好的手段,并为提交作者提供了强有力的金博宝网站保证,该期刊将越来越强大。

What is your vision for the journal for the next 5 years?


让我们谈谈在Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviors:什么是关键消息?研究将如何影响该领域?

尼古拉斯·库兹克(Nicholas Kuzik)及其同事调查了3到5岁的人的身体,认知和社会发展指标如何遵守24小时运动指南,并发现满足睡眠和体育活动建议与身体和整体发展呈正相关。理查德·泰勒(Richard Tyler)和他的同事调查了儿童和青少年的24小时活动组成与运动能力之间的关联,发现低强度的体育活动或睡眠与中度到中度的体育活动的重新分泌与运动能力的最大增长有关。我认为这些研究的发现很好地说明了体育活动,久坐的行为和睡眠确实相互关联,我们仍然有很多信息可以准确地了解它们之间的相互关系。因此,这些研究的结果为我们为什么需要新期刊提供了很好的理由。


I have been pleasantly surprised by the submissions we have been receiving as soon as the journal was announced, often from research groups with strong reputations and often high-quality work. The establishment of the Editorial Board and their willingness to review manuscripts has also been heartening. So many were keen to be involved and it allowed me to attract high-calibre researchers from right around the world, with a good gender mix and including established and mid-to-early career researchers. One often hears the horror stories of needing to invite 20 or more potential reviewers and it still not being enough to get a minimum of two reviews. That hasn’t been my experience, on one occasion I invited four researchers and got four reviews back. How good is that? It demonstrates the field is invested in this journal and all this makes me confident the journal will be a success.

