
当医学生在英国毕业时,他们必须进一步接受postgraduate training and assessmentbefore qualifying as specialist doctors. This involves a two-year基础计划那followed by core medical training and专业培训。英国医生皇家学院的成员资格(MRCP(英国)的)examinations are undertaken atvarious stages of training成为一个专家;毕业生首先有资格接受MRCP(英国)第1部分在第一个基金会年度之后进行检查,在专业培训开始之前需要全部MRCP(英国)文凭。




Whilst these results do not support the GMC’s suggestion that candidates should only be allowed to sit an examination a maximum number of six times, the authors also highlight that we cannot justify unlimited attempts because luck plays a growing role in the likelihood of passing with increasing numbers of resits. McManus suggests that as a possible solution, the pass mark could increase with the number of attempts each candidate has made, to ensure that those who pass after retaking the examination have genuinely improved. This would ensure that patients are protected, whilst allowing the candidates whose performance gets better with multiple attempts to pass the examination.

McManus的研究结果应告知未来的决定是否应该有限,如果是这样,应允许有多少次尝试,以便允许改进的候选人在维持良好时通过standard of patient care. As很多国家模拟他们在英国系统的医疗培训,以及许多国际医生采取MRCP(英国)的考试,本研究的调查结果也可以向审查院提供关于审议的决定由海外医疗协会,对国际研究生医疗培训具有重要意义。

