Global solidarity: World AIDS Day 2020

对于2020年世界艾滋病日,此博客查看了注册的研究ISRCTN registry在过去的12个月中。

世界卫生组织(WHO)估计有3800万人worldwide living with HIV infection at the end of 2019 and that 68% of adults and 53% of children living with HIV globally are receiving lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART). However, there is concern that health services are facing disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic and that resources for HIV testing and treatment might be reduced. The WHO calls for global solidarity to maintain efforts to prevent and treat HIV infection.

In theISRCTN registry,,,,we can see that research is increasingly focusing on addressing other health issues alongside HIV infection. This recognises that with effective ART, HIV-positive people are living normal lifespans and experiencing common diseases associated with ageing. Another theme is that ART is being refined to reduce side effects and ‘pill burden’, making it easier for people to stick to their treatment. This blog will summarize some recently registered studies that aim to identify effective ways of preventing infection and supporting people with HIV infection worldwide.



study in Malawi will establish a lakeshore clinic and will offer lake fishermen HIV services as well as treatment for血吸虫病(比尔哈兹亚),一种在淡水中携带的寄生虫病。这项研究将测试三种方法 - 给渔民提供传单,在每艘船上训练一名渔夫作为同伴教育者,他们可以解释传单,或者还向同伴教育者提供艾滋病毒自我测试套件,以分发给同事。研究人员将评估对接受艾滋病毒阳性测试的人的生殖器血吸虫病,艾滋病毒测试和治疗的水平,以及渔民在干预后9个月对渔民对血吸虫病和艾滋病毒预防的了解。

在低收入国家,人们可能会根据能够负担得起去医院或休假时间来选择他们参加的医疗保健任命。这INTE-AFRICAstudy in Uganda and Tanzania will investigate an integrated care strategy that involves holding clinics for HIV, diabetes and hypertension on the same days in the same location, so that it is easier for people to attend regularly if they have more than one condition.

People with HIV infection are at higher risk of developing diabetes. The研究将在坦桑尼亚进行稳定艾滋病毒治疗的成年人随机,并具有糖尿病前接受延长的二甲双胍或安慰剂3年,以测试二甲双胍是否可以预防糖尿病。所有参与者还将获得有关饮食和生活方式改变的指导,以减缓糖尿病的发展。

与幽门螺杆菌感染胃的bacteria, which can lead to stomach ulcers and stomach cancer, is common within the general population. Little is known about the effectiveness of treatment of this infection in people with HIV infection. Two observational studies conducted in Belgium,OHpTHIVandHPPARHIV,目的是研究幽门螺杆菌常规治疗的治疗失败率是否存在差异,以及受HIV感染和未感染的人之间的抗生素耐药性发展。


Improving quality of life for people receiving HIV treatment

Penta 16((BREATHER) study has shown that young people aged 8-24 years across four continents who took efavirenz-based ART every day during the week and not at weekends were not more at risk of viral activation than those who took treatment every day. The 5 days on/2 days off group also experienced fewer side effects and strongly preferred the ability to have weekends free of taking tablets. The喘息加研究将研究在肯尼亚,南非,乌干达和津巴布韦的12-19岁年轻人的基于Dolutegravir的艺术的同一管理时间表。


据报道,失眠是一种副作用,每100人服用DoluteGravir,这会影响至少1人,这可能会影响生活质量。英国BIC CNS研究将研究用Dolutegravir,Abacavir和Lamivudine治疗的HIV阳性成年人的睡眠质量差异,还是Bictegravir,Emtricerabine和Tenofovir alafenamide的组合。参与者还将在执行任务时进行大脑的MRI扫描,以调查大脑活动是否存在差异。

Mind the epidemics during the pandemic!


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