Monthly Archives:November 2013


To highlight our 10 year anniversary this week, the editors at BMC Medicine have been discussing the top 10 published articles based on their accesses, citations and social media impact. Today, we focus on the authors’ and reviewers’ experience with the journal. The high standard of service to all authors and reviewers is a key…Read more »


An open letter in support of Restoring Invisible and Abandoned Trials (RIATs)

Papers and laptop

Making the results of all clinical trials accessible to researchers, clinicians and the public not only promotes transparency in clinical research, it also ensures that all the evidence is available for informed clinical decision making. The widespread support for greater transparency in research is perhaps best demonstrated by the huge support garnered by the AllTrials…Read more »

Medical Evidence Medicine

BMC Medicine: our 10 most highly cited articles

Since the launch of BMC Medicine a decade ago, the journal has published over 900 open access articles, many of which have made significant contributions to the advance of medical research. We take this opportunity to look back at how frequently our articles have been cited since publication, and list the top 10 below. Data…Read more »


BMC Medicine’s top 10 most accessed articles


Here at BioMed Central there are a number of ways we can keep track of how many times our articles are accessed (a more detailed guide to this can be found here). Articles doing particularly well receive a ‘highly accessed graphic’ , which is calculated based on the number of accesses an article receives relative…Read more »


BMC Medicine turns 10!


A decade ago on the 24th November 2003, BMC Medicine, the flagship open access general medical journal of the BMC-Series, published its very first article. Since then we’ve published over 900 articles, established an impact factor of 6.68, and are now ranked seventh out of 151 medical journals (general and internal). We’ve seen many achievements…Read more »

Medicine Publishing

Will ‘an app a day’ make us healthier?

BMC Medicine 10th anniversary logo

It’s not often that I can claim to get excited about technology, but it’s hard not to after attending the Health 2.0 europe conference held this week in London (Nov 18th-19th). While it’s not exactly news that apps for healthcare are being developed for use by the public, what the presenters at Health 2.0 were…Read more »
