所有事物胃口 - 来自BMC药物在UEG周2015年

一个fter joining联合欧洲胃肠病学周between 26th and 28th October in Barcelona,BMC药物分享了这项激动人心的活动中一些最新进展,其中有13,000多名临床医生和研究人员从世界各地聚集在一起。


几位演讲者在UEG 2015covered the theme of personalizing risk prediction and treatment for gastrointestinal diseases. During a press conference,迈克尔·法尔highlighted the importance of understanding diseases at the molecular level, which may allow treatment at an almost individual extent. The immediate benefits are significant savings in time and expenses, and also decreased chances of administering the wrong drugs.

预防结直肠癌(CRC)对于减轻这种毁灭性疾病的负担至关重要一个ntoni Castells讨论了改善个性化风险预测在CRC预防中。


林奇综合征患者的外显子组测序allows the identification of mutations in cancer predisposition genes, which are not necessarily expected according to patients’ history. Selecting the patients who can benefit the most from colonoscopy screening can increase likelihood of better CRC prevention and patient adherence.




胃癌目前是激烈研究的重点,因为它们在全球的存在是由多种因素引起的。H. Pylorigerms are present in全球人口的三分之二,,,,and their infections are main drivers of gastric disease, which in turn can develop into cancers.

In their最近发表的论文,,,,理查德·亨特(Richard Hunt)同事回顾了健康胃的重要性以及如何H. Pylorican severely disrupt gastric physiology, concluding that disease prevention and public awareness are fundamental to reduce gastric diseases.

也在Sugano及其同事的论文,,,,results from the Kyoto Global Consensus meeting reveal the importance of treatingH. Pyloriinfection before atrophic gastritis development, stressing that eradication ofH. Pylorireduces the risk of gastric cancer.

Alessandro Recchioni


鉴于其复杂的病毒学和异构治疗选择。在ECC 2015,,,,海纳·韦德梅耶(Heiner Wedemeyer)报道了许多用于丙型肝炎治疗的药物是目前正在发布,在2016年有更多的预期。


多亏了许多GWAS研究,我们现在开始了解驱动大量自身免疫性肝病的因素。一个最近的研究by Farh and colleagues identified the shared genetic features between different autoimmune diseases, which will eventually allow to manage each specific disease in a targeted way.

Finally, primary biliary cirrhosis was recently renamed原发性胆管炎,认识到胆管炎是炎症状态,而不是肝病的终结状态。这一重要变化将影响正在接受治疗的临床医生和患者。

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) – new therapeutic hopes

一个talk by阿伦·萨尼亚(Arun Sanyal)provided an overview of the current therapeutic advances in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) treatment, the most common form of chronic liver disease. About a third of the general population presents a fatty liver, but a lower proportion will then progress towards steatohepatitis and cirrhosis.

Paul Angulo及其同事在他们的纵向研究纤维化阶段与长期相关联ortality and serious adverse events, unlike any other histologic features of steatohepatitis. This can allow risk-stratification of patients with confirmed NAFLD according to their risk profile, using non-invasive techniques to reduce unnecessary cost and choose the most appropriate targeted therapy. Surgery can then be considered for more advanced cases.


一个s highlighted byRui Eduardo Castroin the talk onNASH from bench to bedside,,,,several factors contribute to the advance of NAFLD. The disease can eventually develop into hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), where almost 40% of risk factors are related to diabetes and obesity.




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