
新的研究今天发表在基因组医学使用大规模的DNA测序来识别导致发育延迟的遗传变异,这种情况当前在大量情况下未诊断。在这里告诉我们更多研究的作者Greg Cooper博士。

Developmental delay affects 1-2% of children worldwide. Symptoms often associated with developmental delay include impaired cognition, failure to meet developmental milestones, craniofacial and skeletal abnormalities, autism, and seizures. These disabilities can pose major medical, financial and psychological challenges.


安娜·布鲁克·阿恩斯沃思(Anna Brooke Ainsworth

为了结束针对发育迟缓的儿童的诊断奥德赛,我们采用了大规模的DNA测序来确定与发育障碍有关的特定遗传变异。作为NHGRI资助的临床测序探索性研究联盟的一部分,我们于2013年开始将受影响的儿童纳入我们的研究。到目前为止,我们已经对371名儿童进行了延迟,我们发现了遗传学原因,因此有助于做出遗传原因,因此有助于更精确和确定的临床诊断 - 分别为27%。

We also enrolled biological parents when available to facilitate the identification of “de novo” – i.e., present in a child but absent from his/her parents – genetic variants, as these are known to be enriched among variants that cause developmental disabilities.

通过测序影响孩子和他们的父母,,,,we were able in many cases to more efficiently identify the pathogenic variant relevant to their symptoms. In addition, by efficiently revealing relatively short lists of candidate de novo variants, trio sequencing also can greatly improve discovery of novel disease contributions.

That said, through retrospective analysis of proband genetic variants in the absence of parental sequence information, we were able to show that completing sequencing for only the child will often still yield a diagnosis, but will on average require more time and analytical effort when compared to the analysis of a trio.





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