The Renin-Angiotensin System: a fresh new direction in the treatment of depression

A最近的评论文章published inBMC Medicine探索作用于肾素 - 血管紧张素系统的血管紧张素阻滞剂可能对抑郁症产生的潜在积极作用。作者希望,在抑郁症治疗的新时代,偶然观察和靶向分子观察之间的填补空白可以有助于抗抑郁药的发展。



第一种抗抑郁药是在1950年代通过偶然性发现的。结核病患者接受iproniazid治疗suddenly showed a new vitality and even began dancing in the hospital halls. Imipramine, another early antidepressant, was first tested as an antihistamine, and unexpected effects on mood were observed.

Early research found that these all were targeting the monoamine system, and these findings ushered in a new era in the treatment of depression. An era we are still living in to a large extent.

The message from these stories is that an advance in one given area can carry secrets and new information relevant to another area. Its sadly true that this has been a far more fruitful avenue for the discovery of the psychiatric therapies that we use today than approaches primarily developed from the molecular level.

However, contrary to the monoamine system case, the idea that drugs targeting the renin-angiotensin system can treat depression has deep roots in both worlds. It has a serendipity component, with case reports that date from the 1980’s showing that drugs that target the renin-angiotensin system may have effects on mood. And this story also began with a strong molecular argument, with a solid rationale based on effects on the stress response system and inflammation. A recent large epidemiological study suggested a protective effect of these agents on the development of depression [1,2].

Several anti-inflammatory drugs such as celecoxib, aspirin or statins may exhibit antidepressant properties.

One exciting direction regarding these drugs that we explore in这篇评论是抑郁症的压力反应和炎症假说。Inflammatory markers are elevated during a depressive episodeat least some tend to normalize after it remits.

Drugs that target the renin-angiotensin system like the angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) are well established in the treatment of hypertension, but they also have anti-inflammatory properties. Several anti-inflammatory drugs such as celecoxib, aspirin or statins may exhibit antidepressant properties.

Furthermore, drugs that target the renin-angiotensin system have been studied and tested in large samples and for long periods of time and have been compared to other antihypertensive drugs without the anti-inflammatory properties [3,4,5]. The anti-depressant action appears unrelated to the lowering of blood pressure as other anti-hypertensive drugs such as beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers do not lower the risk of depression.


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