
为了庆祝世界粮食日,我们研究了最近在ISRCTN registry


Food diversity is reducing, which means that the food supply is more vulnerable to climate change


However, many people lack the knowledge, resources or motivation to eat healthy diets. To mark World Food Day, let’s take a look at some of the studies registered at theISRCTN registrythat are investigating the best ways to improve this situation.


Food habits and preferences are established early in life, so it’s vital that children are encouraged to eat healthily. The扇子研究调查了瑞士6至12岁儿童的饮食行为。

一个dherence to dietary guidelines was low, with0% of the 568 children在观察的7天里,每天吃建议的三部分。孩子们和家人一起吃饭(与同龄人一起在学校或与家人一起吃饭)更多蔬菜减少了糖果和软饮料。

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Norwegian School Meal Project10 - 12岁儿童提供了免费的头脑lthy lunch every day for a school year. These children chose to eat significantlymore fruit, vegetables and fish6个月后,与继续将午餐带到学校的孩子相比。

一个second study正在调查一种方法,以提高遵守挪威国家的食品准则,并在学校提供的培训和授权“食品大使”的能力将推动改善。

另一项研究in Norway is looking at ways to reduce suspicion of unfamiliar foods in 1-year-olds at kindergarten and encourage them to eat a range of vegetables (protocolinBMC儿科)。儿童的饮食品种和避免食物的年龄将在3岁和4岁时进行衡量。

MyHeARTBEaTstudyinvolves school canteens in Malaysia subsidising fruit, vegetables and healthy snacks, offering healthier meals and providing free drinking water. The effects on food intake, BMI and waist circumference will be assessed in 14-year-old students.



Compared with children who continued with their usual out-of-school program activities, those who participated in the Generations Health program ate fewer calories and healthier food. They also showed reductions in age-adjusted BMI, while the control group’s average BMI increased (结果in飞行员和可行性研究)。

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这项试点研究仅证明了健康行为的适度改善,但这些课程已应用于全面的设计Oprevent2学习 (protocolinBMC Public Health)。

在韩国,3健康研究正在测试a 12-week healthy lifestyle intervention that will provide disadvantaged children and their parents with education and support to change behaviours influencing childhood obesity.

Nudges to eat healthily and lose weight

Organizations can ‘nudge’ individuals to make better food choices.英国在食堂的研究超市分配中心工人正在比较对购买两种此类干预措施的卡路里的影响。

这first intervention is to increase the proportion of healthy meals and items and reduce the availability of higher-calorie options. The second intervention will reduce the portion size of higher-calorie foods by at least 10%, with a commensurate reduction in price.


一个study using the University of Oxford’s虚拟的online supermarket shopping((OLS) platform revealed that moving lower-fat products to the top of lists reduced the percentage of energy derived from saturated fat from about 25% to 20% (结果in国际行为营养与体育锻炼杂志)。

技术还可以帮助激励更健康的行为。涉及的可行性研究ImpulsePal应用程序suggested that people found using the app有帮助when they experienced cravings for unhealthy foods or urges to overeat.

这一个yogo app enables people to log their food intake, weight and activity and to interact with other users in a social media setting. Astudy在成年人参加美国减肥诊所的减肥计划will compare weight loss after 3 months in those who used the app and those who did not.



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