
系统地产生颜色的鱼•减轻体重管理的糖尿病风险•SSRIS与抑郁症患者的安慰剂•特征新物种:Caenorhabditis monodelphis• Investigating the evolution of reaction norms across tropical butterflies • Reviewing the UK management of HIV in pregnancy • Do predator cues affect trait variability in marine dinoflagellates? •BMC Research Notesgoes back to its roots!

遗传学:Systematically producing color-blind fish

Color perception is essential for the survival and reproduction of many animals. This study, published inBMC遗传学,展示了系统专业的发展cedure, using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, for making color blind Japanese rice fish and testing their spectral sensitivity under light- and dark-adapted conditions. This fish model system can prove useful for studying visual systems and vision-dependent behaviour and can potentially be extended to study color perception in other non-mammalian vertebrates. Finally, it could be valuable for the advancement of genetic or regenerative methods to treat human color blindness.

Public Health:Reducing diabetes risk with weight management

Weight reduction for individuals at high-risk of diabetes is a key measure and policy paradigm for the prevention of the disease. This observational cohort study by Feldman et al., represents a 10-year follow-up in a group of more than 33,000 Swedish participants between the ages of 30-60. It demonstrates a strong association between the risk of incident diabetes and the relative weight of the participant in adulthood. Additionally, the authors show that as many as 1 in 5 diabetes cases could be prevented if, at a population level, weight in adulthood is maintained. Finally, it concludes that the combination of the former approach together with moderate weight loss for high-risk individuals would have great potential, from a public health perspective, in diabetes prevention.

精神病学:SSRIs versus placebo in patients with major depressive disorder

选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRI)通常是抑郁症的第一线治疗方法。这项研究的目的发表在BMC Psychiatry,,,,is to conduct a systematic review assessing the effects of SSRIs versus placebo, ‘active’ placebo, or no intervention in adult participants with major depressive disorder. Meta-analysis data indicate that SSRIs versus placebo seem to have statistically significant effects on depressive symptoms, but according to the authors, the clinical significance of these effects seems questionable and all trials were at high risk of bias. The results show that the harmful effects of SSRIs versus placebo for major depressive disorder seem to outweigh any potentially small beneficial effects.

本月的图像:表征一个新物种:Caenorhabditis monodelphis

The nematode genusCaenorhabditishas been integral to our understanding of metazoan biology and has provided key insights into molecular and developmental biology. In this study, published inBMC动物学,Slos等。同时使用形态学和分子分析来表征和描述一种新物种,Caenorhabditis monodelphis。Scanning electron micrographs ofCaenorhabditismonodelphis用于展示男性和女性之间的形态差异,主要集中在生殖器差异上。

Slos et al. 2017

进化生物学:Investigating the evolution of reaction norms across tropical butterflies

Developmental plasticity, which is considered to have profound macro-evolutionary effects, is omnipresent among plants and animals. This study by van Bergen et al. investigates, using a comparative framework, the evolution of reaction norms for a variety of life history and morphological traits across five related species of mycalesine butterflies from the Old World tropics. It demonstrates that the integrated phenotypic plasticity of a broad suite of traits is shared among species from three geographically independent lineages of mycalesine butterflies, but concurrently, there are examples of evolutionary change where independent traits show different, ‘uncoupled’ patterns of reaction norm evolution.

传染性疾病:Reviewing the UK management of HIV in pregnancy



表型可塑性是司空见惯的,使生物可以对环境变化做出反应。但是,由于个体之间的遗传变异,各种基因型产生常见的环境表型的能力可能有所不同。这项研究,在BMC Ecology,分析了海洋鞭毛藻的两种基因型的塑性响应Alexandrium Fundyense为了响应放牧者或放牧提示,以表征其对性状变异性的影响。该研究表明,由于各个基因型出现的不同成本和权衡,可以在存在可塑性的情况下进行选择。实际上,多种环境提示的发生可能会均衡种群中特定于应变的权衡的影响。

BMC Research NotesGoes back to its roots!

BMC Research Noteshas reaffirmed its focus on publishing research outputs which are useful but often overlooked by traditional research journals such as updates to previous work, additions to established methods, single observations, short null results research proposals and data management plans. To increase clarity and simplicity, we have reduced the number of article types and created ‘研究注释’是该期刊的主要文章格式,单词限制为2,000,使其成为构成介绍,主要文本和限制的真实注释。最后,我们有扩展了范围to also welcome submissions on physical and computer sciences, engineering and mathematics.

